DSR Professional

In cases of pathological expressions of the sexuality they only must receive adequate accompaniment professional In if treating to men and women bigger and capable to state its will freely and its desires, without attacking other people’s right, the rule must be the tolerance. Homosexuals, bissexuais, transgneros, travestis must be respected in the reality of its condition. These sexual orientaes are not associates to a character, to the decency nor to the ethics, qualities that can exist in such a way in those citizens how much in heterosexuals. The homofobia (the aversion to the homosexuals) is unacceptable in a solidary society, that must receive and protect all its members, independently of sexual orientation. Advances: The Federal Public prosecution service possesss a work group on sexual and reproductive rights (GT DSR), that it has acted to make to be valid the respect to the sexual diversity, to fight the discrimination of sort and sexual orientation and the traffic of people for ends of sexual exploration. It defends, for example, the recognition of the decurrent rights of the union of people of the same sex and the adjusted public assistance of health to the travestis. In 2010, the National Conference of Education recommended following in relation to AXLE VI – Social Justice, Education and Work: Inclusion, Diversity and Equality, in relation to the item Sort and Sexual Diversity: ' ' i) To consider and to guarantee measured that they assure to the travestis and transexuais people the right to have its increased social names to official documents (daily of classroom) of the institutions of ensino' ' (Final Document, P. 144).

the use of the social name in the documentation from the 21 years. Launching of the stamp Disk 100 in Manaus in day 17 of May. Approval of the homoefetiva Union Diversity and Human Rights X Prostitution: Voluntary commercial activity that understands ' ' a contract sexual' ' it enters the professional of the sex and its (s) customers. BRAZILIAN NET OF PROSTITUTES Defends the legal recognition of the profession – regulamentarismo. However, this regulation does not have to contain requirements that go against the citizenship. Ministry of the work already recognizes prostitution as professional activity, in the Brazilian classification of occupations (cbo).

The member of the house of representatives Fernando Gabeira (PV-RJ) believes that the image of Brazil in the exterior does not go to move from the approval of the Project of Law 98/03, of its authorship, that legalizes prostitution. Consideraes Final our challenge while educators, cuidadores responsible for the security and the welfare state it is in valuing the individualism, detriment of the thoughts and class actions and recognizing the diversities in its multiple forms. It is the commitment of all professional, engaged in the proposal of transformation of the society. This change also is a challenge for the too much social individuals that, acrticos to this process legitimize, it, banalizam or most of the time they tend to naturalize them, not recognizing the potential of intervention of collective in the transformations of the society, strengthening the lines of direction influential conservatives in determined period of the historical process. ' ' Nobody is born hating another person for the color of its skin, for its origin or still, for its religion. To hate, the people need to learn: e, if can learn to hate, can be taught amar' ' (Nelson Mandela). Francisca Elizabeth N Souza/BETH SOUZA

National Curricular Parameters

History was as an appendix of Geography and of the Moral and Civic Education, that information supplied on institucional administration, the native symbols, the great ones you lead and important national events. Throughout years 80, significant changes in the education of History had occurred, making with that its assumed configuration (social studies) gradually was transformed. (FONSECA, 2003). From years 90, Fonseca (2003, p.26) claims that in the context neoliberal-conservative, the disputes around a new educational politics and of the new Law of Lines of direction and Bases had been gradually modifying the configurations of the education of History. It disciplines it of Social Studies was removed of the grating of the four first initial series and in its place they had returned you discipline them of History and Geography as you discipline autonomous worker. Fonseca points that the education of History assumed new feies: The content of taught History assumed different images in the diverse spaces where if they process the debates, the quarrels and the reformularizations, aiming at to revalorizar it as field to know basic autonomous worker for the formation of the thought of the citizens.

(FONSECA, 2003, p.26). The decade of 1990 is understood as a historical landmark, therefore they had been you discipline extinct them of EMC (Moral and Civic Education), OSPB (Social Organization and Politics of Brazil) and EPB (Study of the Brazilian Problems) and the courses of short licenciatura had also been gradually extinct. The government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso initiated the implementation of the educational politics. In 1997 the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs) and the government had been published assumed a series of measures that had in such a way caused deep changes the history of the Brazilian education as you discipline of them as a whole. Time-space and society: contributions for the education of Geography and History the education of Geography must focar the space in its multiple dimensions: economic, cultural politics and.