The Preconception
Although to be always subordinated something the System (government) this that does not develop practical educational enough necessary to minimize the preconception inside and outside of the pertaining to school scope. To demand of the government that if finishes the preconception we know that if it makes impossible, however can demand of that creates it makes to be valid politics you publish that they emphasize and they value the differences. More the conservatives use of the relations of being able and look for in sciences, in the same nature and in the culture answers for the most varied manifestations of preconception it of sort or the special carriers of necessities is ethnic. This prejudiced manifestation is marked daily by critical and maken a mistake speeches, disarticulating deterministas possibilities of action and conditions. The equality does not eliminate the difference or vice versa, being thus, the phrase does not pass of a speech that is problematizado from the moment that is not affirmed in practises. Funny as we propagate that we are all equal ones, if the same the step we appeal so that let us recognize our differences, a perpetual necessary contradiction in the social field.
Many times we notice that the preconception is not with the different considered ones, but yes with the inaquality concept or a social element return, the fear, to deal with the especificidade of each individual. affirmative politics impose the idea of social justice, for people with ' ' atributos' ' differentiated, a paradox since the conditions donated for these pupils do not allow to relations respectful jousts and. The school is an environment of social transformation, being in it that the thought diversities occur, where the construction of the knowledge helps the man to live in society being acquired knowledge about the world, of sciences and technologies thus having to get resources to understand and to transform the environment which lives.