
" Repressed citizen has died pending the appeal and the judicial system of the Saratov region was right on the rim – She was right when she landed a man and when he was rehabilitated, was right when placed in a queue for an apartment in length in 16 years, right when it refused to change the way the court the dying person and the right when refused to recognize the illegal omission of the Administration of Saratov and Saratov region Government. Circle. What kind of respect for justice and the law can be discussed after such immoral judgments? Amoral – From my point of view. From the viewpoint of the majority of judges, such a jurisprudence is both morally and legally. It turns out that we have not gone into understanding and interpreting the law in terms of: 'moral' and 'immoral' 'Moral' and 'immoral'. The judicial system of de facto based on the existing morality of our divided society, ie on the second part of a double standard, which the Lord officials understood by default: "the world is divided into ours and not ours! And this does not prevent the principle of uniformity of judicial practice: all citizens are equal before the law without a guaranteed right to a quality judicial decision, and those who 'is' have the right to exercise own interests and without going to court! Under no circumstances will the judiciary will not change the rules of the game, if the company will continue to be satisfied with such quality and substance of judicial decisions.

The Farming Brazilian

Hamper that has a great altitude to be first the sources of great rivers as the cited ones. Hamper that is constituted of chapades and trails, hamper that so little time after having had its golden times of coffee with milk, had its phase of transistion with the beginning of Brazilian industrialization, and the beginning of the farming one with the job of the technology. More information is housed here: Jim Donovan Goldman. The Farming Brazilian, had its development practically initiated in the turn of century XX, in the gone ones of 1900, with the ingressions of the Europeans, Spaniard, Italians, Germans, and why not of the Japanese. In canastras, in its chapades, the city of Sacrament, Araxa soon in the decade of 60/70 she was visited by Japanese descendants, that had practised the farmings of &#039 there; ' batatinha inglesa' ' , had the altitude of of the cold climate, that the plant likes. Great Brazilian agricultures, practically had its initial development in the Paran, with the migration Gaucho for the region the Northwest, where they had been to plant, wheat, maize, soy, as well as also was invaded by migrantes of the South of Minas Gerais, with ' ' now haw' ' of the coffee, practically having established the regions of Native of London, Maring and other cities. Before this ' ' bum' ' of the great agriculture, the Brazilian plantations, if inhabited, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, the State of So Paulo, with exception of the coffee, that entered Brazil in 1842? , in Rio De Janeiro (capital of the Empire and the Republic), going up for the valley of the Paraba, come until almost So Paulo, when of They are Jose of the Fields derived for Atibaia, So Paulo Bragana, where it entered with force the south region of Mines, following from there for the verge of Is and Mines, for Wells of caldas/Guaxup-MG, Mococa-SP, passing for the hamper, being installed in year 2000 in the region of Sponsorship, ducks of Mines, Paracat, until Brasilia, without saying that also it was for the Amazon region (Rondnia/Acre), was also for the Espirito Santo and Bahia.