The Government
I imagine that the machines now tell us how many voters there are on the table and many also have actually voted, but after closing the table. Now well, and after the electoral act test? We must not forget that the opening and closing of machines the CNE technicians do. The members of the Bureau can not touch or manipulate those machines after they have been open, and less still to know those who have voted or not at the table. In fact only technicians removed the listings with the results that had machines after the Act the closing of the Bureau. On the other hand, physical notebook proved to anyone who actually a voter with his signature and his footprint had been on the table and he could go at any time subsequently to this notebook to prove that fact. Now we can no more beyond what indicate the new machines of the CNE.
Do as we would know, after that the Republic Plan to take machines, if these sub-notebooks are or are not adulterated? Simply, we wouldn’t it! And now the best. The Government, desmaterializando, notebook can do invisible to voters. What does this mean? That someone can occur in different polling stations and if your footprint this will effectively there, vote! You don’t need the notebook because your fingerprint and identification will be on machines. The implications of this are scary! How will ensure us that the CNE does not replicate traces of identification of voters pertaining to the ruling party in different polling stations? The Government no longer need doing multiple you cards to the ancient multicedulados of the past but with having them their own identification in different machines will suffice you! Now anyone could be multicedulado. Before was certainly difficult and cumbersome the procedure of getting 5 cards to someone and put those numbers of cedula in different notebooks with different names.