European Union

The President and the Vice-president are elect for a mandate five year, by means of the direct vote of the population. Case none of the candidates gets the majority absolute, the National, composed Congress for the Chamber of Members of the house of representatives and the Chamber of Senators, whose representatives are elect in the general elections, carries through a voting more enters the two voted presidential candidates through the simple majority. The President of the Republic can be reeleito, but she cannot assume two consecutive mandates. Learn more on the subject from Joyce Banda. The commercial agreements of which Bolivia is part, are the following ones: – Law of Andean Commercial Promotion and Eradication of Drogas (ATPDEA1), granted for the United States; – Agreement of Economic Complementation with Chile; – Andean Comunidade (CAN), Zone of Free Commerce with the Equator, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela; – Common Market of Sul (MERCOSUL), Agreement of Economic Complementation with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay; – Treated to Livre Comrcio (TLC), Agreement of Economic Complementation with Mexico; – General System of Preferncias (SGP), with the European Union; – Latin American Association of Integration (ALADI), Regional Agreement of Opening of Markets for Bolivia; – Agreement of Tarifrias Preferences with Cuba in the landmark of the ALADI. 2,2 DESCRIPTION OF the RELATION BETWEEN BOLIVIA AND BRAZIL IN the YEAR OF 2006 the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, assumed the position in 2006 and in May of this exactly year, announced the nationalization of the oil exploration and gas. Through this announcement, it commanded the occupation of the fields of production of the foreign companies in the country, between them the state Petrobra’s Brazilian; thus it informs the Periodical Leaf of So Paulo (2006). The reasons of the nationalization can be found in two factors in agreement Carra (2008), the first factor are that the popularity of Morales was in fall at the beginning of its mandate and with the objective to create a bias of hope capable to in common join the bolivian population in an objective, decreed to the nationalization of the exploration of the oil and gas of Bolivia. .