Federal District Law

The article of chapter V of LDB 9394/96 deals with the special education, a modality of special education for all those that if to consider as special. However the objective of the law is not to form classroom in the schools only for pupils special, but yes, to qualify them it to frequentar the regular schools and for this it is necessary of prepared professionals. Professors with specialization adjusted in average or superior level, for specialized attendance, as well as professors of regular education enabled to the integration of these educandos in the common classrooms (LDB, article 59, III, 1996). To leave from there, to guarantee to educating its entrance in the market of work with priority in public competitions and the fulfilling of the vacant in private companies. These companies are obliged to destine a percentage of vacant to be busy for considered people deficient, this percentage are of 20% for federal public companies this percentage are lesser for the municipal and state public companies, the private companies go to depend on the number of employees who they to hold, as Law 8112/90.

LDB 9,394/96 determines in articles 9 and 87, respectively, that it fits to the Union, the elaboration of the Plan, in contribution with the States, the Federal District and the Cities, and institutes the Decade of the Education. It still establishes, that the Union directs the Plan to the National Congress, one year after the publication of the cited law, with lines of direction and goals for the ten posterior years, in tune with the World-wide Declaration on Education for All. With the Federal Constitution of 1988 the LDB foresees the PNE authenticating the idea of a national plan of long stated period resurged, with act of law. In 1998 4,155 is presented the project of law n, approving, thus the National Plan of Education.