This conception of sustainable development has as norteador bedding the fairness as principle of the support, detaching that it is way of capitalist production that is in the root of the social inaquality and the ambient degradation. Estimated its are anchored in the tradition of the marxism and critical of the economy the politics, that is, in the critical ones to the society established on the private property of the means of production, to the subsuno it work to the capital and the logic of the capitalist accumulation (MARX, 1988). For Marx, the nature exists independently, but for the humanity, only manifest it its qualities and earns meant through a transforming relation with the human work (BOTTOMORE, 1988). Although the philosopher considered, in century XIX, the voracious expansionista trend in the capitalist way of production as necessary condition for the transistion to the socialism, nor therefore he left to put in evidence its destructive violence. Marx (1988) observes in For Marx (1988), the social division and technique of the work in the capitalist society generates the alienation of the man in relation to its work and the nature, desumanizando it. But, its contradictory development, when creating the totality of productive forces, the domain of the man on the nature, becomes necessary and inevitable on the part of the man the appropriation of these forces and the total, complete, multilateral development of its facultieses as integral man (MANACORDA, 1991). However, this omnilateral development would only be possible if the totality of the productive forces was dominated by the totality of the individuals freely associates, what it would only occur with the overcoming of the private property and the mentally ill work. The analysis of the estimated ones that they guide this conception of sustainable development allows us to understand the necessity of critical to the model of capitalist development and the paper of the citizens politicians in the construction of democratic societrias alternatives that surpass the social inaquality and the degradation of the proper material bases in the production way.