
According to Debert (1999, P. 94): The concern in describing the way for which the oldness is transformed into a problem that worries the society goes if constituting in a field to know specialized. A field with experts in charge defining not only which is the necessities of the aged ones, the problems that face, but also in charge of the formation of other specialists to take care of to these necessities. To if proceeding to an inquiry on the familiar nucleus of the beneficiaries and discovering the most recent social and economic purposes that the pensioners would exert on the agricultural familiar economy, it was evidenced that the retirement represented, in many cases, the only one source of income of the family. The results of the evaluation very demonstrate agreements important to identify the function of the aged ones in the condition of familiar economy, where if they verify different demonstrations of economic-social reproduction where the pensioner fulfills some papers. 4 CONCEPT OF OLDNESS BEFORE the SOCIAL SECURITY the aging is if transforming into a world-wide problem and the concern of all the countries of the world, is to guarantee to the citizens who all they can age with the due security, dignity and that exactly they are not isolated and they continue participating with evidences of the life in society, with exercise of its rights. The advance of the index of life and the reduction of the mortality taxes has caused a significant impact in the society of the entire world, either in the industrialized one, either in what it is in development phase. ahead of the facts above one evidences that the necessity to protect the aged one is a reality. Although already let us walk sufficiently with regard to production to aged, much has despite to progress. Without going down the particularitities and being only in the general plan, it will be enough of beginning, designating the necessity of ' ' extenso' ' of the social insurances, as much in the greater ' ' compreenso' ' of the proteges as in ' ' better suficincia' ' of the benefits (Hail, 1943, P.