His image, we can see in the movie ‘Aide of His Excellence’. Why did one hundred years after sailing expedition gy Sedov retained interest in the expedition itself, and the personality of its head, while no interest, many important personalities of the period when the pole has long been the tourists go? I think the answer is clear. Georgy Sedov interesting for our contemporaries, as a person, as a simple, earthly man. Interesting situation in which he appeared, and it may be, each of us, when at stake is the honor of the country. Sedov not yulil not looking for loopholes do not sacrifice human beings, he performed his duty until the end. He still showed the world what can be a Russian, a Russian officer.
That is his goal, his ‘pole’ he is still reaching! Inconsistent, immoral Government, business men from ‘sedovskogo’ committee threw an expedition to the most difficult moment. Making the ship with coal, as previously planned, would cost many times cheaper than then fruitless search expedition under pressure public. Two Russian expedition in 1912 killed almost at full strength with the courts and only returned, with two survivors rescued sailors from the expedition Brusilov: A. Conrad, sailor and navigator vi Albanova. Since that time has passed for almost a hundred years. Dilapidated physical evidence of the expedition, stood for many years under the polar winds: wooden astronomical signs, and crosses. Almost nothing has been created to preserve the memory of expedition for future generations.
No worthy monument at Cape auc, where according to the testimony of sailors Linnik and Pustoshnogo was buried gy Sedov. Not surprisingly, many of the grave Sedov take astronomical sign expeditions to the island of Hooker, in place of the second winter expedition, around which the tomb of the mechanics of ‘St. Phocas’ ia Zander, this error roam from site to site. Probably need a special program to perpetuate the memory of the Russian Polar Expedition, the new Russia and Ukraine can be proud of the feat of his illustrious son, and participants of the first Russian expedition to the North Pole. This is our history, and the other stories we have not. In Pskov, a monument to the heroes of the book Kaverina “Two Captains”, one of the prototypes which according to the testimony of the author was Georgy Sedov. True, like Captain Tatarinov at ou Schmidt. As is typical for us: we can put the literary monuments heroes, but do not have even a simple plaque in memory of their prototypes – the man who became a symbol of heroism for many generations of our compatriots. When a leading Russian general hydrograph me in connection with Sedov expedition authoritatively stated that Russia does not need the North Pole. But, strange to say that he was needed by many other countries, including Hungary and Italy. Pole needed Bolsheviks soon after coming to power. Well there were times when Russia was not necessary and . They say that history teaches nothing. Maybe she should not be taught? Maybe we should learn by yourself? When this article was almost written, it was reported that in Ulyanovsk, despite the public outcry, the authorities demolished the house where he lived Igor Kurchatov.