Local Conservation Agriculture Minister
Demand for tilapia is growing in Venezuela, this country has great potential for this sector, which has the advantage of being fattened up in brackish water, said the expert. According to FAO, tilapia is the second most important aquaculture fish in the world after the Chinese carps, with an annual production of over two million tonnes. Opinions and report The Director of the CRIA, Prof. Julio Cesar Rodriguez reported that the tilapia was first introduced in Venezuela in 1959, from Trinidad, and was then planted in natural water bodies Artificial different regions of the country. “There is no certainty when and how it was introduced on the island of Margarita, however, there is a history of research in 1998, over three growing experience with Tilapia fingerlings brought from the state of Carabobo and developed in Sector Comejen , San Francisco and Aricagua Macanao.
” In this situation, the CRIA calls for researchers and technicians who make scientific life on the island, as well as government agencies-Ministry of Environment, INSOPESCA, among others, to form a task force with the aim of collecting necessary field information at regional and clarify what is the status of Tilapia in the watershed and coastal marine zone, its abundance, environmental and biological factors that favor or limit the development and advancement of this species. He highlighted the Prof. Julio Cesar Rodriguez, is urgently seeking effective technique to control the increase of its population in favor of Local Conservation Agriculture Minister of Venezuela, Elias Jaua Milano, said the food crisis affecting the countries that comprise the ALBA Petrocaribe and the decision was made to create this fund “with a contribution of 50 cents per each barrel exported to Venezuela and that over one hundred dollars on that basis has estimated that this year will be about 450 million dollars..