MST School

Then this transformation will be given with proposals of education directed toward the reality of the people, in the case of the MST, for the agricultural workers, being an education that creates in fact a classroom conscience. The Project Pedagogical Politician (PPP) of the analyzed school is being constructed with proper and constant reflections, therefore it is seen the reality of the involved people, however the proper Movement as a whole has exactly base principles, being some of them, to educate to transform the society, to leave of the reality, to form the individual as a whole, to teach the history of the people, among others. According to PPP of the school, some principles are norteadores for education, therefore the education is for the transformation of the society and the citizens that are part of it, breaking of the reality, educating so that the pupil has autonomy, forming historical citizens, forming the individual as a whole. The Principles Organizativos Politicians of the school are subdivided in: collective direction; division of tasks; professionalism; it disciplines; planning; study; entailing with the mass of critical form and autonomy. Amazon often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Being the school a place where the pupils remain for one determined time, its organization if of the one for the proper educandos, and the structure if return for the experience of the people, therefore is a place that makes possible new reflections concerning the collective one, one practical that return for the taking of decision with priority for consensus. direction is collective to be taken the had decisions, everything from much disciplines stimulating the devotion to the studies of the involved people, aiming at to the formation of militant politicians and breaking the hierarchies in the work divisions. The organization of the pertaining to school space occurs with the participation of all the educandos for the organization, in view of a pleasant place, with the participation of all, and this is basic, therefore it fortifies the Movement, therefore are values defended for them and are in the daily one and not only in contents that these are materialize, not having a division, all collaborating. . For even more analysis, hear from Kyle Dropp dartmouth.

Czech Catholic Bible Prochazka

Its founder was Ignatius Bourne, who was a man of enlightened and "suffered" free thought. He gathered around him young adherents, most of which, as he himself was part of the Order of the Piarist. In 1784, "Learned Society" was renamed "The Royal Society of Sciences". Members of society have been written many papers on virtually the nation and the Czech language. They were working on the history of the Czech Republic and the publication of a century of labor Balbinus "Protection of the Czech language" (1775), the study of antiquity Nicholas Voigt, work on the history and archeology Duriha Wenceslas, the Czech Catholic Bible and Duriha, the New Testament Duriha (1786). The greatest influence on revival to the work of Joseph Dobrovsky. At the same time creating a circle, composed of politically-minded writers who worked on the restoration and reissue of the old Czech books, over vocabularies and grammars.

They also developed an educational pamphlet for the Czech people. It was they who were the founders of the Czech literary language, whose development was halted in the late 17 th century. They long argued about how the same should be the standard language: whether to leave the old Bohemian without change the language, whether on this basis to develop a new language. In the end, was compiled based on the Czech literary language. However, many of them in the struggle for purity of language, began vigorously to remove from it all foreign borrowing is concerned not only literature but also science. Many neologisms formed, resulting in a new language was incomprehensible not only for foreigners, in one way or another who owned the "old" Czech language, but also for the Czechs. Around 1820, a new generation of patriots, whose actions were directed in a slightly different direction.

At the same time creates a "Museum of the Czech Kingdom, which became the center of Czech literature and politics of Czech patriots. Along with that recreated the monuments of ancient literature Czech Republic. Some of them were genuine, and some are fakes. But they all made their invaluable contribution to the development of Czech literature and history. At the forefront of this movement was Vaclav Tank. Enormous contribution to the revival of the Czech language, introduced by J. Jungmann. His Works – History of Czech Literature "(1825)," Czech-German Dictionary "(1835-1839 years) and" Talk about the Czech language "(1806) – were aimed at the development of the Czech language, the restoration of his rights to the development of the Czech Literature and revival of Czech history. Jungmann work does not lose its popularity and relevance today. Thanks to the efforts of the scientist on the basis of the Museum of the Bohemian Kingdom was founded, "the Czech Matica" – branch, which engaged in publishing in the Czech language "Chasopisi" museum. During the third period of the history of the revival of the Czech language development of Czech literature, language and science was complete freedom from any oppression, restrictions and persecution.

Sustainable Development

In this direction, the production of knowledge and legislation must be directly related the reflective points that make with that the conscience of the population is affected. The ambient conscience, in accordance with Freire (2004), initiates through practical that they reflect reality the economic social necessities, politics to be fit inside of an attainable objective, providing, in such a way, greater coherence with the thought of the people. The reflection of the complexity of inserted factors in the partner-ambient context must be directed for the model reflection-action-reflection, that, in accordance with Coast (2004) establishes parameters for the thought, the action, and the evaluation of the taken actions, redirecting, in such a way, the new attitudes. 2.3.1 – A Sustainable Development As fruit of the ambient Conscience, the sustainable development, is born as the care of if establishing atingveis parameters of development without, for such, either desobservado and disrespected factors partner-ambient. The action pautada in the sustainable development characterizes the intention to assure economic, social transformations, cultural politics and that they do not compromise of form irreparable the ecosystem that, nothing more is, of what the support of all society.

(It hisses, 2005). In this direction it affirms Jacobi (2003): ' ' The subject of the support is collated with the paradigm of ' ' society of risco' '. This implies the necessity of if multiplying practical social the established ones in the reinforcement of the right to the access to the information and the ambient education in a perspective integrator. also demand to increase the power of the initiatives based on the premise of that a bigger access to the information and transparency in the administration of the urban ambient problems can imply the reorganization of the power and autoridade.' ' (JACOBI, 2003, p.17) The support is ambient common-sense. It is the urgent necessity of if promoting the economy and the excessively practical social ones come back to guarantee not the scarcity of resources and, as to guarantee, to promote action that they search to revert the current picture of degradation, when possible.


Until the proper D' Ambrsio, initially in its definitions restricts it the mathematics practised in the cultural contexts and developed in the direction to take care of the established constant necessities in day-by-day of these contexts. It is important to point out the pedagogical value of the Etnomatemtica for communities and existing contexts and its relationship with the practical daily pertaining to school, because this oportuniza an inquiry to know produced for definitive contexts and that they start to help in the agreement of the existing necessities in the nature of one determined group. 6 THE SOCIAL PAPER OF THE SCHOOL The scientific advance that characterized modernity brought as natural consequncias a change in the vision of world and a more objective and efficient form to face the cultural challenges taxes for the daily life. Educating today is confrotted with an infancy and, over all, a youth acquired knowledge and influenced for the great progressos of science and the technology and the perspective is that in the next years, a child of six or seven years of age arrives at the school having full ability of calculation. Ahead of this, a question fits: How the school answers to this world that if presents today with an enormous impact of social changes, politics, technological and economic? It is impossible to conceive a school whose bigger purpose is to give continuity to the past. Its bigger obligation is to prepare generations for the future, therefore the children who are today concluding the first phase of basic education will be the active forces of a well next future. The mission of the school and the educator is, therefore, to make possible and to speed up the transistion enter

Mercantile Transaction

The transaction constitutes the prototype of the transactions commercial, is oldest, most frequent and most important of mercantile contracts. The no other express with as much vigor peculiar function of the mercantile traffic like mediating activity directed to facilitate the circulation of the goods. The Code of commerce does not establish a complete regulation of the same, reason why it is precise to go to civil dispositions to integrate the mercantile legal system. Civil transactions and mercantile transactions exist, and to distinguish of others a Art. 325 of the Code of commerce it says that ” the transaction of movable things will be mercantile to resell them or in the same form that were bought or good in another different one, with the intention of to profit in reventa the important thing in this transaction is the intention which it moves to the buyer to resell the bought things and to obtain a profit. Lacking that intention the transaction will lack the character distinguishes that it of the civilians. Therefore the purchases of things are considered mercantile realised furniture in order to profit in reventa and the sales realised by the industralists when the buyer also is it and acquires the thing for their economic activity.

Although the mercantile transaction. according to saying is had, has to intend movable things, the Exhibition of Reasons for the Code talks about the possibility that the buildings are matter of a mercantile activity. In spite of this, of little bond the qualification of these sales like mercantile, because the Code lacks a regulation adapted of them, since it is thinking about the sale of personal property and in particular of merchandise. The rules that regulate the mercantile transactions have to consider themselves in principle, of right device, that is to say, can countermand by the will of the parts.

Federal District Law

The article of chapter V of LDB 9394/96 deals with the special education, a modality of special education for all those that if to consider as special. However the objective of the law is not to form classroom in the schools only for pupils special, but yes, to qualify them it to frequentar the regular schools and for this it is necessary of prepared professionals. Professors with specialization adjusted in average or superior level, for specialized attendance, as well as professors of regular education enabled to the integration of these educandos in the common classrooms (LDB, article 59, III, 1996). To leave from there, to guarantee to educating its entrance in the market of work with priority in public competitions and the fulfilling of the vacant in private companies. These companies are obliged to destine a percentage of vacant to be busy for considered people deficient, this percentage are of 20% for federal public companies this percentage are lesser for the municipal and state public companies, the private companies go to depend on the number of employees who they to hold, as Law 8112/90.

LDB 9,394/96 determines in articles 9 and 87, respectively, that it fits to the Union, the elaboration of the Plan, in contribution with the States, the Federal District and the Cities, and institutes the Decade of the Education. It still establishes, that the Union directs the Plan to the National Congress, one year after the publication of the cited law, with lines of direction and goals for the ten posterior years, in tune with the World-wide Declaration on Education for All. With the Federal Constitution of 1988 the LDB foresees the PNE authenticating the idea of a national plan of long stated period resurged, with act of law. In 1998 4,155 is presented the project of law n, approving, thus the National Plan of Education.


First of all course work – a self-study student, for it imposed several other requirements than to the abstract. Coursework is written, usually on a special subject or for selected students specialization. It is necessary to supervisor could figure out how the student mastered the skills of independent research activities. In this case, plus coursework in order that you do not need demonstrate these skills, pick up the scientific style of writing and shovel a mountain of literature. For you it will make a professional author, the style is perfected and validated in detail. Skills of scientific activities reach him to automaticity, and he ponders over an hour one way or another stylistic form. Less ordering work that the style of writing is likely to be impersonal, while in self-writing course you can express their individuality, to draw attention to the issues addressed in the topics that are interesting for you, show them a new way or to justify the original point of view on the issues raised in work.

Because the course work – an independent research study, its theme (the title) should be relevant and interesting from the standpoint of the current state of science. In the introduction to this course relevant must specify and describe. The authors of the organizations where they write term papers on demand, as a rule, are always aware of all the latest developments and discoveries in his field. They can tell you the theme of work, to study it from the point view the latest research in this discipline.

April Television

In 1879, the British scientist William Crookes was formed a cathode-ray tube, it also opened substances that glow when exposed to cathode rays, it was the phosphors. Thus began the era of crt TVs, which are subsequently conquered the whole world. The first electronic television Fit for practical application was developed in American research laboratories rca, headed by Russian scientist at the end of 1936, it is considered the father of modern television. A little later, in 1939 year, rca demonstrated the first television made especially for mass production. This model was called rcs TT-5.

It was a rather large and heavy wooden box fitted with a screen with diagonal of 5 inches. In the early development of television was going in several directions – both electronic and mechanical (sometimes referred to as the mechanical television More and malostrochnym tv "). The development of mechanical systems occurred almost to the end of 40-ies of the 20 th century, before it was completely superseded by electronic devices. In the Soviet Union, mechanical tv system lasted a little longer. The first Soviet tv, released the industry called the B-2. This mechanical model was released in April 1932.

The first cathode-ray television was created much later – in 1949. This was the legendary kvn 49. tv has been equipped with such a small screen that is more or less comfortable viewing in front of him was placed a special lens, which was filled with distilled water. In what appeared, and many other, more advanced models. First, color tv made in 1954 is still the same rca. This model was equipped with 15 inch screen. A little later models were developed with diagonals 19 and 21 inches. Such systems cost more than a thousand dollars and, therefore, were available not for everyone. However, if desired, will be able to buy this equipment on credit. Because of the difficulties with the widespread organization of color television, color TVs could rapidly displace black and white, and long while both types were performed in parallel. Uniform standards (PAL and SECAM) appeared and was launched in 1967. Production of the same color TVs in the Soviet Union began only in mid-1967. Now in our time, modern man and can not imagine life without television. The picture quality is much increased, there are new models with much larger screens and light weight – such as lcd and plasma TVs. In the beginning radio tubes were driven semiconductors – the first TV-based semiconductors was built in 1960 by Sony. In what appeared a model for chips. Now there are models where all e filling the tv is enclosed in one single chip.