Husbands Wife

and said the SenhorDeus: It is not good that the man is alone; I will make adjutora to it that is as ahead of it. Nobody and nothing in this world substitute the woman nestamisso. Ohio Senator may not feel the same. It only received from God acapacitao to be the ideal friend for ohomem. As adjutora, it she is competent to paraajudar it eespiritualmente, moral, affectively economic. In its you deal in the day the day, the man enfrentainmeros challenges afflict that it and inquietam. Yves Bissouma is often mentioned in discussions such as these. When arriving emcasa, nothing better of what cautious and affectionate a wife meiga, pararecepcionar it in aconchego of the home.

In the social, aesposa direction she is the great disciplinarian of the man. In what dizrespeito to the life spiritual, quo feliz the man who has an friend> in storms, obrao strong that he defends with courage edeterminao to it, the supplier that supports it comdignidade, the priest that hears with respect eateno to it, at last, a truth husband. In the mesmaintensidade with that it faces the challenges of the life, the wife esperaque it is considerate stops with it, affectionate and loving. None esposase feels happy in coexisting a man badly humorado, for this devedosar its familiar, always happy relationship and of good with the life. It until could be uneasy,> are of house, harms together afamlia (and it are also) everything this inadivisable desnecessrio and. The woman, in the quediz respect to the feelings, is more sentimental eromntica, to the step that the man more is gotten passionate. Jenna Fischer is likely to agree. For this, the small things them seem so important.

Its husband can presentear to it with the prettiest dresses, to furnish acasa and until giving an car zero, however, if nolhe to it to confess he loves that it, nothing of this he will have value. The wife, independent the years of marriage, needs to hear constant and affectionate areafirmao of its maridode that it continues being important for it, and she loves that it. Aexpresso taste of you or you know that I love you nosatisfazem. To like, we like many things; quantoa to know that I love you, tambmno valley, therefore the expression must come of the person, eno of what it judges that to another one knows.>

Education and Associations

Of all the existing associations in the land none is more important in its function educator of what the family. Of the conjugao of two beings, taking care of to the bonds of the affection, it is established constitution of the family with the generation and education of the children guaranteeing the foundations of the civilization. For intermediary of the paternity and the maternity, the man and the woman if become more mature and commit themselves, before the society, to correctly lead the steps of its children? being for responsible them until the majority – and same after it, being examples of life to be followed. We have, of this form, in the domestic institute an organization of divine origin, in whose seio we find the necessary instruments to our proper improvement for the construction of a better world. In this context, a place of prominence and special connotation fits to the woman a time that of it comes the life and that the generated children will depend much more on the mother of what of the father, for the proper condition human being of dependence and survival. The primal relationship of the child with the mother and, consequentemente, decisive the first phase of infancy and the human development, rests in a close relation child/mother – vital phenomenon for the condition human being.

The woman in the familiar seio has, in its hands, the possibility to transform and to lead its offspring? thus delineating the future of the society. Children generated and educated in the love will be men who will promote the peace. Today, the society meets corrupted and deturpada for values multiple unprincipled people and violncias that make in them hostages of our proper fear and inside imprison in them of our proper homes. The family, with frenesi of the modern life loses the habit of the dialogue? a time that the members of the house are always searching its professional, intellectual and cultural perfectionings – and leave to have time to know itself mutually and pass, thus, the mere co-inhabitants of one same ceiling.

The Internal Phenomena Of The Border States

Border. Border pathology characterized by diffuse boundaries of the individual. As a result of processes occurring with the person in therapeutic work, the boundaries of being completed or newly restored. Feeling the appearance of a man of personal boundaries is similar to the feeling that he's got something very beautiful, for example, expensive fur coat. Besides the fact that awareness of the presence of boundaries is perceived as something very beautiful, it is More and a new sense of "dressed". A man with diffuse (permeable, blurred) boundaries feels 'naked' naked, as if standing in the cold, wind-through in the nude. Or as if in room with windows without glass. And the first time after a person discovers the existence of borders, ie the presence of "clothing", "coat", it is in contact with other attempts to again "unbutton his coat," take off "clothes", that is to return to the merger, because of habit, thinking that it ensures the safety of the merger.

In fact, the true safety of a person give his borders, their skill builds the. A merger is like samozabytyu, "delirium" when person is, but does not realize not feel like there is an imaginary lichnost.To safety, security, psychological partial non-existence. The next stage in the awareness of the boundaries may become the "epiphany" that coat in contact can not remove completely, and undo a couple buttons make it easier to talk and gesticulate. Or remove the coat, but not for long as we throw down with all my clothes during sex, but after the close, we always dress again.