Original Clients
We go to the place and is that unique the clean thing is the Web lay to us! and thus the manager comes to request excuses, we already have clients less and the bad diffusion that it carries. A real example: recently they called to us of a massive product factory. Before going, we visited its Web site and we thought that one was a smaller emprendimiento. When arriving at the plant us we find that they were one of the producing majors of packages for products of massive consumption. Go to Amazon for more information. In fact, multinationals! And they contacted to us because only when their potential clients knew they took them to the place in serious In summary, to show to the correct image aid to close sales.
It has a great company, mustrela! It has a small company, mustrela also! The identity must be consistent The corporative image must reflect to the company, in all pieces of communication. When seeing a pamphlet, a card, the Web site or a commercial invoice (invoice) our clients must see the company and to become an image of which is. To maintain the consistency using the manual of corporative identity is one of the keys most important to position itself in the mind of its clients. ” A mark without manual is dibujo” So that a mark transmits an image and a concept, it needs to have a solid base. See more detailed opinions by reading what Kyle Dropp offers on the topic.. The mark manual is literally the plane, grilla constructive.
A simple house without a plane, but a building could be done definitively no. With the mark it passes the same. As they say the authorities of the corporative design, it is possible to be improvised but not in vain the great marks invest so much in their image as in their development. The marketing people know very well what to say, the designers know how. At the time of developing his mark she only contracts to agencies or studies that, at least, have qualified specialists as both areas. If she needs professional advising, contctenos.