The Emergence Of Slavic Statehood

About (because there is no exact date) to the turn of eras Slavic expansion started from the territory of Carpathian upper reaches of the Dniester, as well as the right bank of the middle Dnieper to the west, south and east. Slavs migrated westward in the direction of headwaters of the Vistula, Elbe and then, skirting the outer Western Carpathians. To the east of the Slavic tribes were distributed in the direction of the Upper Volga and Oka. To the south Slavs moved in the direction of the Danube, and then along it to the west, occupying the area along the tributaries of the Danube and invading the limits of the Byzantine Empire. While the western and eastern areas of expansion of the Slavic tribes recovered from archaeological data, the southern direction is well documented in the evidence of Byzantine authors. Due to the fact that the Slavs entered the early Middle Ages is not a monolithic people, and divided into three main tribal education – Wends, sklaven and Ants (According to the Byzantine sources), and occurred early medieval geography and related partly cultural isolation from each other the western, eastern and southern Slavs. Then began the formation of the Slavic peoples and states, namely: Sarmatia, Gothia, , Avar , Great Bulgaria, the , the Great Moravian Empire, the Russian chaganat Ladogo-Novgorod Russia, Poland, Serbia, Croatia and, of course, Kiev Russ. The modern science of history and does not give an exact answer, when and where there was Slavic people, like any other ethnic group. But it gives a clear definition of what exactly in this time interval (ie, the second – the fifth century) came Slavs in the era of open spaces, first in Central and Eastern Europe and then, of course, subject to the South Slavic areas. As previously noted, at the turn of the fifth or sixth century, the Slavs, such as organized mass tribes exerted pressure not only on the Danube border of Rome (which became, after the events – the Byzantine) Empire, but also reaching Greece, "visiting", while Thrace. In this way, more precisely, thus, began the exchange between Slavic, Greco-Roman world, which, in the first decades of the sixth century, was hostile, but eventually became normal, and, over time, and friendly.