Headquarters Superior

According to they indicated from the Twitter de AcampadSol, the Police placed " fences in all the streets to 500 meters to redonda" of the City council. The objective of ' indignados' it was to concentrate itself the past before the City council during the constitution of the chosen municipal corporation in the policemen of 22 of May and the re-election of Alberto Ruiz-Gallardn like mayor of the capital. The Police also watched the access to the high street from Bailn and the rest of the adjacent streets, although with a smaller device. They simulate a burial Near three hundred people concentrated in the environs of the Place of Villa have simulated in addition the burial to the democracy, with a equipment in which they have not lacked coffin, false priests and weeping. They generally remained concentrated in the access to the high street by the Place of San Miguel voceando slogans against the politicians and Gallardn in particular. At a certain moment two false priests dressed in supposed cassocks and people have arrived who carried a coffin, symbol of the democracy. The false priests have requested duel by the death of the democracy and has animated to a minute of weeping, that the assistants have seconded. More police devices a spokesman of the Headquarters Superior of Police of Madrid has indicated to that the device created in the neighborhoods of the Place of Villa was similar to which was adopted this Saturday near you soothe of the City councils of all Spain. In the tactical mission of Madrid, one considered that the high street unites the Place of Villa with the Door of the Sun, that has been scene during last the four weeks of one encamped of ' indignados' critics with the politicians Spaniards. Watch live streaming video from spanishrevolutionsol AT livestream.com Source of the news: Antiriot ' limpian' the street of ' indignados' in order abrir passage to the cars of Gallardn


According to Debert (1999, P. 94): The concern in describing the way for which the oldness is transformed into a problem that worries the society goes if constituting in a field to know specialized. A field with experts in charge defining not only which is the necessities of the aged ones, the problems that face, but also in charge of the formation of other specialists to take care of to these necessities. To if proceeding to an inquiry on the familiar nucleus of the beneficiaries and discovering the most recent social and economic purposes that the pensioners would exert on the agricultural familiar economy, it was evidenced that the retirement represented, in many cases, the only one source of income of the family. The results of the evaluation very demonstrate agreements important to identify the function of the aged ones in the condition of familiar economy, where if they verify different demonstrations of economic-social reproduction where the pensioner fulfills some papers. 4 CONCEPT OF OLDNESS BEFORE the SOCIAL SECURITY the aging is if transforming into a world-wide problem and the concern of all the countries of the world, is to guarantee to the citizens who all they can age with the due security, dignity and that exactly they are not isolated and they continue participating with evidences of the life in society, with exercise of its rights. The advance of the index of life and the reduction of the mortality taxes has caused a significant impact in the society of the entire world, either in the industrialized one, either in what it is in development phase. ahead of the facts above one evidences that the necessity to protect the aged one is a reality. Although already let us walk sufficiently with regard to production to aged, much has despite to progress. Without going down the particularitities and being only in the general plan, it will be enough of beginning, designating the necessity of ' ' extenso' ' of the social insurances, as much in the greater ' ' compreenso' ' of the proteges as in ' ' better suficincia' ' of the benefits (Hail, 1943, P.

Mercantile Transaction

The transaction constitutes the prototype of the transactions commercial, is oldest, most frequent and most important of mercantile contracts. The no other express with as much vigor peculiar function of the mercantile traffic like mediating activity directed to facilitate the circulation of the goods. The Code of commerce does not establish a complete regulation of the same, reason why it is precise to go to civil dispositions to integrate the mercantile legal system. Civil transactions and mercantile transactions exist, and to distinguish of others a Art. 325 of the Code of commerce it says that ” the transaction of movable things will be mercantile to resell them or in the same form that were bought or good in another different one, with the intention of to profit in reventa the important thing in this transaction is the intention which it moves to the buyer to resell the bought things and to obtain a profit. Lacking that intention the transaction will lack the character distinguishes that it of the civilians. Therefore the purchases of things are considered mercantile realised furniture in order to profit in reventa and the sales realised by the industralists when the buyer also is it and acquires the thing for their economic activity.

Although the mercantile transaction. according to saying is had, has to intend movable things, the Exhibition of Reasons for the Code talks about the possibility that the buildings are matter of a mercantile activity. In spite of this, of little bond the qualification of these sales like mercantile, because the Code lacks a regulation adapted of them, since it is thinking about the sale of personal property and in particular of merchandise. The rules that regulate the mercantile transactions have to consider themselves in principle, of right device, that is to say, can countermand by the will of the parts.


The Philosophy of History in the theories of Kant. Appeared Carla Lopes Silva Summary: the present article has as objective to consider the quarrel and reflection on the understanding of uncurling of the time, that is, the history of the humanity in different historical contexts established by telos utopian, considering the understanding of what it is constituent Philosophy of History and its elements correlating with the idea Kantiniana de Universal Histria of a cosmopolita point of view. Words keys: Philosophy of History, Kant, utopia. When mensurar the conception of Telos understands? if that all philosophical theory defends an arrival point, and an inevitable destination, which can correlate with some philosophies during passing of the historical time to interpret which this direction of telos in history, therefore we go to interpret Eva and Adam first, therefore the structure of this history and explicitada by the following item; because in this period notion of a teleologia was not had, a notion of past, gift, future the time that was displayed for Adam and Eva it was the time of the eternity of the proper God, not it perception of a process which if has the starting point, to uncurl of the time, and the point of arrival, will only be analyzed with these such premises when the modification of thinking of Adam and Eva occurs, that is, when eating the forbidden fruit, thus passes if to tell a new world, time of suffering, therefore is born the historical History of the humanity and philosophies and its telos there. Therefore it had a fall with this perpetual time of the proper God in the edio time, medievo to telos that if characterize for the present understanding and passed to create the hypotheses of the point of fond of the humanity, thus in the Medieval Age as antecedent it had the pureness, later it had the fall of this perpetual time, and will go to occur return with the life of messias the land and being guaranteed, thus the salvation of all the human beings and the return this perpetual time in another supernatural plan.


Betting in infanto-youthful literature as study object, leading in consideration that this: … constitutes a field of production, circulation and cultural appropriation, its study has been important source for the historical inquiry. In the historiogrfico work, literature has been tool of apprehension of the sociocultural dynamics of different historical moments. However, it has that if to detach the especificidade of the source and the importance of the historian to take the text literary not as description of the Real, but as its representation. Representation this consisting in the dialogue with the excessively practical cultural ones, that confers to practical literary its sustentation. (GOUVEIA, 2005, p.3) We perceive, here, that many of the authors make its reading only of the literary narratives, the historian has that to have pra itself that this form of language is plus a representation of the Real, of what is lived, that it is felt, that is witnessed in the society, watered of values, subjetividades, representations. The decade of 1980, with all its redemocratizao, gave the first steps to breach with these forms of prejudiced representations of the black, representative personages of the afro-Brazilians had been beyond the confrontation of racial, social preconceptions and of sort.

It had a concern with the writing, valuing the mythology and the religion of African matrix. A rupture with the model of disqualification of the deriving narratives of the African verbal traditions is also perceived and providing one ressignificao of the importance of the figure materna (mother and grandmother) in the life of the child. Also we can perceive, according to analyses of Sousa (2005a), that the reproduced images and that compose the text of the didactic book if they show more diversified, less estereotipadas.' ' They the black personages pass to be represented with braids of African style, hairdos and suits variados.' ' (SOUSA, 2005, P. 191) These transformations had happened for great effort and organization of the black movements, of the black women, in the turn of the century, the intention of positivizar the black personages through denunciations and claims, including in this space the study of the African culture and the releitura of the images and passivity of the black in the period escravocrata.