Adoption Exchange

2,2 HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF the PREVIOUS PERIOD To the ADOPTION OF the INFLATION GOALS the system of inflation goals is a regimen that had beginning in the year of 1990, in the New Zelndia. Later, innumerable countries developed and in development had also adhered to the goals, as, for example, Canada, Chile, the United kingdom, Australia, Spain, Republic Czech, Poland, Norway, Peru, among others, as if it can verify in Table 1. Brazil started to adopt this regimen, in 21 of June of 1999. Table 1: Period of Adoption of the Regimen of Goals for the Inflation in the World Source: Central banking. Of 1995 the 1999 Brazil, used as monetary politics the regimen of exchange bands, that had as characteristic ' ' anchorage cambial' ' was constituted of two elements keys of the combat politics the inflation: effective valuation of the tax of exchange and rise of the degree of external opening of the economy. For Seabra (1998, P. 204) the regimen of exchange bands was definite as: A regimen of exchange bands can be defined as being an interval inside of which the Central banking this compromising in keeping the tax of nominal exchange.

Although in the practical one superior band adopts itself inferior band (therefore, regimen of bands? in the plural one), an exchange regimen can establish only one band or a limit for the exchange tax. The system of exchange anchors had as objective to contain the inflation. For this, he was used a mechanism of economic policy through which the government fixed the exchange tax aiming at to reduce the increase of the prices. In general, the quotation of the local currency was fixed in relation to the reference currency, as it happened, for example, with the Real front to the North American Dollar at the beginning of the Real Plan. This was the instrument used for the Brazilian economic team until the year of 1999, when US$ 1 started to be valid R$ 1.21, tax defined for the conversion.

Antonio Landmarks Pear

In its Pragmatismo workmanship, Philosophy of the Creation and the Change it points with respect to a possible cause of the fragility of the argument politics when if he searchs a philosophical base for the positioning detaching as well as vain the fight for the exclusive argument of a position politics. ' ' In particular the ones that are the left of the specter politician they nourish the hope to find a perspective philosophical who cannot be used by the right politics, a philosophy that is exclusively the service of noble causes. But this perspective does not go to never exist therefore any philosophical perspective is only one tool that can be used for many different hands. ' ' (Pragmatismo, Philosophy of the Creation and the Change Richard Rorty Organizadores; Cristina Magro and Antonio Landmarks Pear tree. Belo Horizonte. Publishing company UFMG, 2000 ) How much when uncurling of the proposal of abandonment of the search for the redentora truth, uncurling of this encloses two scopes, the first one says respect to leave any pretension of historical authority, and as it says respect to the possibilities to interpret the term progress. In the next lines I will dissertarei concerning these two scopes. How much to abandon the pretension of historical authority, we can try to understand this as that authority that Rashnilhkov it described as proper of historical figures destined to invent the humanity.

This authority excuses to its possessors the possibility to ignore next apelos a time that if they see as answering to one I appeal greater and – the historical one. In such a way we would hinder radical positionings that could generate unnecessary suffering. The proper Rorty explains that we would also lose possibility to demonstrate that our enemies are missed in the way as they act, would lose the possibility to point as wrong positionings of figures as Hitler, Stalin and republicans.


Until the proper D' Ambrsio, initially in its definitions restricts it the mathematics practised in the cultural contexts and developed in the direction to take care of the established constant necessities in day-by-day of these contexts. It is important to point out the pedagogical value of the Etnomatemtica for communities and existing contexts and its relationship with the practical daily pertaining to school, because this oportuniza an inquiry to know produced for definitive contexts and that they start to help in the agreement of the existing necessities in the nature of one determined group. 6 THE SOCIAL PAPER OF THE SCHOOL The scientific advance that characterized modernity brought as natural consequncias a change in the vision of world and a more objective and efficient form to face the cultural challenges taxes for the daily life. Educating today is confrotted with an infancy and, over all, a youth acquired knowledge and influenced for the great progressos of science and the technology and the perspective is that in the next years, a child of six or seven years of age arrives at the school having full ability of calculation. Ahead of this, a question fits: How the school answers to this world that if presents today with an enormous impact of social changes, politics, technological and economic? It is impossible to conceive a school whose bigger purpose is to give continuity to the past. Its bigger obligation is to prepare generations for the future, therefore the children who are today concluding the first phase of basic education will be the active forces of a well next future. The mission of the school and the educator is, therefore, to make possible and to speed up the transistion enter