Democracy Exposed: The Tascon List In Venezuela

Democracy is like a forest full of fireflies, beautifies the essence of social life and is only visible to sneak into the night. Alter your secretiveness is spoiling its beauty. The importance of the laws establishing the right to vote in all democratic states is vital, shaping, integration and legitimacy of any government depends on the representativeness of the achieved through universal suffrage enshrined in the constitutions. However, the balance between the secrecy of the vote and the right given to citizens to participate in public affairs has fractured state in Venezuela, thus breaking free of the vote on autonomy and sowed suspicion in a country see how its forest of fireflies lost anonymity and blackens the cloud of totalitarianism. Nobody is willing to say that in Venezuela there is no democracy, but it is debatable that this is a healthy form of government within the meaning of the perennial weakness of its democratic institutions.

The famous “Tascon list” has uncovered the nakedness of a democratic system where censorship is the glue that leads the citizen to take action in fear. The vote is in principle free, but covertly created the conditioning of the apprehension. Tascon gained notoriety in Venezuelan politics by publicly a list of names of people who signed the form to activate the recall referendum on August 15, 2004 to decide on the continuation of Hugo Chavez to the Head of State. Although later the President of the Republic sent to “bury” the list during the V Mobile Cabinet, the “Tascon list” has been the source of all kinds of discrimination that the media has overlooked and which today continues to be a drag for freedom in Venezuela.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

You just need to bust some big companies. More stable company to buy out, will reorganize, restructure, and all will first. Thus, the world has existed for thousands of years But people get to your table the more serious reports on the situation in the global economy, have begun to realize that the current crisis is different from all previous ones. World leaders are suddenly talking about the need to unite and depravity egoistic approach. ‘The main thing is that all occupied a single position and act together “, – said at a meeting with leaders of European countries, U.S. President George W.

Bush. And at a conference in Evian, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the economic crisis ‘led economic egoism of some countries’. Yes, ordinary people today have begun to realize that the current crisis – and a special conventional measures, it can not overcome. It’s not even in numbers, not that required to cover the deficit amounts to hundreds of times higher than selected by the U.S. government $ 700 billion.

Subconsciously, people start feel that the solution we are looking for is not there, not in the same plane. Simple monetary injections provisions are not correct. So what happened with our economy? We revealed that we are all united in a single system. Globalization showed us how everything depends on everyone. And yet discovered how much we are divided and not together as far as not willing to compromise their own interests, even in the face of such a serious threat as a global crisis. So, the current crisis – not a failure in the system, and its disclosure, say the Kabbalists. The time has come to understand how we are all dependent on each other, separated and this disunity hinders us from living. And why it all started with the economy? Yes because an empty fridge assures better than any speakers. ‘Because of the differences representatives’ Big Seven’ were only declarative program out of the financial crisis.

Laboring Theater Work

the result of the work of all would have not only to be of some people, but yes distributed between all. Of this form, it would not have rich nor poor more nor, nor dominated dominadores nor. This type of society, where all would be equal. The LABORING PRESS Beyond its intense syndical militancy and politics, the Brazilian laborers of the beginning of the century had produced diverse periodicals, edited in different languages, directed toward the quarrel of the problems of the work force. The periodicals were one of the forms to divulge the proposals politics of the workers and to fight against the exploration and the capitalist oppression. Amongst laboring periodicals it is distinguished: The Free Land; the Graphical Worker; The Vidreiro Worker; Avanti! ; Our Voice; The Common people; The Voice of the Worker among others. The LABORING THEATER the Laboring Theater was another tool of fight for the work force.

Militant anarchists had made of the theater a force of support to its fights and the construction of a new society almost so great how much the press. Several had been the amateur groups of theater, tied directly the laboring associations, appeared at the beginning of century XIX in So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Port Glad, Curitiba, Saints, among others. They considered a social theater of content critical and directed toward the interests of the proletariat, being the parts, to the times represented for the proper laborers in halls of the laboring quarters and the headquarters of the unions. The experiences and initiative of controllers of the work force had been several, always on to the cultural politics of the anarchists. In 1904, in Rio De Janeiro, the Popular University of Free Education was established, under the initiative of local syndicalistic leaders, having in its faculty intellectual celebrities, as well as laboring controllers. The education was thought and terms of immediate instruction.

Marx Work

This conception of sustainable development has as norteador bedding the fairness as principle of the support, detaching that it is way of capitalist production that is in the root of the social inaquality and the ambient degradation. Estimated its are anchored in the tradition of the marxism and critical of the economy the politics, that is, in the critical ones to the society established on the private property of the means of production, to the subsuno it work to the capital and the logic of the capitalist accumulation (MARX, 1988). For Marx, the nature exists independently, but for the humanity, only manifest it its qualities and earns meant through a transforming relation with the human work (BOTTOMORE, 1988). Although the philosopher considered, in century XIX, the voracious expansionista trend in the capitalist way of production as necessary condition for the transistion to the socialism, nor therefore he left to put in evidence its destructive violence. Marx (1988) observes in For Marx (1988), the social division and technique of the work in the capitalist society generates the alienation of the man in relation to its work and the nature, desumanizando it. But, its contradictory development, when creating the totality of productive forces, the domain of the man on the nature, becomes necessary and inevitable on the part of the man the appropriation of these forces and the total, complete, multilateral development of its facultieses as integral man (MANACORDA, 1991). However, this omnilateral development would only be possible if the totality of the productive forces was dominated by the totality of the individuals freely associates, what it would only occur with the overcoming of the private property and the mentally ill work. The analysis of the estimated ones that they guide this conception of sustainable development allows us to understand the necessity of critical to the model of capitalist development and the paper of the citizens politicians in the construction of democratic societrias alternatives that surpass the social inaquality and the degradation of the proper material bases in the production way.