Electricity Bill

Read this article to find the best answer to know some easy and effective ways to reduce your electricity bill.Since electricity is used by all members of the House, the best result will leave only when all members of the family come together and help with energy saving. Why we need to discuss the different ways in which we can contribute with our family. Below we will show you how everyone can help: unplug electronic devices that are not being used.Forgets to most of us to switch off the appliances after use and this causes a waste of energy. You should know that, even when you’re not using appliances, yet energy is consumed in particular devices that have stand-by light. Your children can be very helpful, if you can assign the obligation to turn off computers, Laptops or other devices when no one is using them.

?The apparatus which generally stays disconnected during the greater part of the time is the charger.The charger can be your Laptop, iPhone, cell phone, among other things; This makes a threat to your electricity bill try to use appliances to the extent of their capacities;for example, when you go to wash the dishes, you must load dishwasher to full capacity; two small loads separate washing may be more expensive than a single load washing; similar is the case of the clothes dryer, must wait for the load to obtain full, since it will help you save you electricity bill. If you want to save more money in the Bill, clothes can then be dried outdoors.It is the best way to utilize natural resources and save money. Regular maintenance is essential, but most of us do not realize its importance.A device that works well can help in saving energy, therefore, it is important that you periodically check your appliances.The performance of air conditioners can be improved by cleaning your air filters regularly.By cleaning air filters, get quickly cold you room and can help in saving energy. In the same way with the refrigerator coils you should check regularly.You must replace the coil every six months to make that works efficiently.If you use always coil for a long time, the refrigerator would have to work harder to keep it fresh.Also keep the opening of the door of the refrigerator to a minimum.?The last suggestion is rather a fun family project. Start a campaign called How can I reduce my electricity bill? And ask your relatives that contribute at least one idea of all the weeks in which the electricity bill can be reduced.The Member who contributes to the best idea in the how can I save my electric bill? campaign can be rewarded. RTE de Mexico transformers electric type pole, pedestal, substation, submersible and dry.

Travel Leisure Ideas

All seasons and in all places numerous leisure activities are offered the France tourists. All seasons and in all places numerous leisure activities are offered the France tourists. But which of them to choose from just? The decision is not always easy! For a better view and a simplified search of online travel guide France-Voyage.com has launched a new section in the life this year, introduces a wide range of activities for every taste and every purse: flight baptisms with a microlight, massages and wine tasting are just a few examples of the many possibilities. Since the section was made several days ago in the Internet, more than 500 service providers for leisure activities there have enlisted, to to offer your services in six different areas: craft, wellness, culture and education, entertainment, nature, regional specialities, sports. Each activity is described in detail with photos, prices, times and location and practical information.

Vacationers who want to break out from the routine and variety to your their free time see continuously updated and changing special offers always a bargain. So, you can discover unsuspected worlds close to his resort. It is enough to enter the city name in the search engine and already shows a list with ideas of leisure in the vicinity. For a Smartphone, the search is even easier, because the mobile travel guides automatically detects the location of the tourists. The booking is also done Francer-Voyage.com, free information directly from the service provider. The online travel guide for France-Voyage.com is a huge treasure trove of original, entertaining and culinary experiences. For more information on France activities

European Parliament Directive

At a time in which the PP, and without a hair cut, because, until recently, it was with the mouth girl, said that the government is afraid to drive down the dismissal – the Spaniard to take note that they all walk day to work, because the President has said from Nigeria to give them where loaded trucks, the government can not promote leftist policies because two members, is also supposed to left, do not want to vote in favor of fixing the roof budget spending for 2010 … “Because of the regional financing? We have seen signs in recent elections to the European Parliament which, if the thing does not change, we will see in the future. Willy Meller, number one in the list of IU to the European Parliament, said in Seville on May 24 this year, the central government has zero left-wing proposals that progressive tax policy did not exist or that penalize the income of the working class. Leaving aside that a campaign be in the style of PP, ie not talking about European policies in a campaign to Parliament, not that surprised me too, see how to their members explaining IU base that torpedoed the leftist political momentum “because of the regional financing? The European left and in particular the Spanish ordago faces a much greater than how to make certain policies. He faces the loss of a progressive space on the right to a living wage, education, public health and social protection may disappear because of the hows, not the whys. Because of these recent European elections, the trivial capacity left to go ahead and seal against the right, bringing together the votes of the left that exists and is, if no one remedy, citizens are going to see how it gets back before the European Parliament Directive of 65 hours weekly, and this time will be approved. The problem is not who governs the problem is that government that governs, there is always left it on and you cry more.

The citizens we can not afford to lose it all because some people think it is better not to lose votes in a range determined to defend what hard-won. The question is who will then, will you still blaming Zapatero in ten years? It is going to be yes.

Infantile Literature

As well as the wonderful world of the fancies, small castles, princes, witches, homenzinhos. In other decades the call did not exist literature for children, and yes estrias of facts of the daily one. These estrias were transmitted by adults called ‘ ‘ accountants of estrias’ ‘. According to Rabbit (2009, p.27) ‘ ‘ stories of fairies are parts of these perpetual books that the centuries do not obtain to destroy and that, to each generation, they are redescobertos and they come back and to enchant readers or listeners of all idades.’ ‘ To follow soon historical of where the stories had appeared and who they are its great firing pins. The history of infantile literature registers its first coletnea in century XVII, in France. One is about the celebrity Stories of the Mother Goose (1967), book of Charles Perrault. In this Perrault book it congregated eight estrias: The Asleep Beautiful in the Forest, Red Small hat, the Blue Beard, the Cat of Boots, the Fairies, Cinderela or the Good-looking Borralheira, Enrique of the Tuft and the Small Thumb. Valley to remember that at this time France passed for a progress and politician-cultural transformations, while in Brazil was still a behind culture and was disputed for dutches, Frenchmen attracted by the wood Brazil, sugar cane-of-sugar amongst others.

In this same time, also appears woollen Jean Fantaine, and dedicated moralistas the old rescue to it of historinhas, that we know today with Fbulas. Some Fbulas popular writing for Fontaine is There: The Wolf and the Lamb, the Lion and the Rat, the Buzzer and the Ant, the Fox and the grapes, amongst others. This Fbulas had for purpose intrigues to denounce them, the disequilibria or the injustices that happened in the cut or between the people. As sort, Infantile Literature was born with Perrault.

Political Profession

In a review of the salaries of the Catalan deputies, now it will be interesting to become political everything is starting! No required studies, or preparation of any kind, only it is necessary to put inside the municipal lists, and with luck it will receive two incomes instead of one. (Over 29% of the Catalan Members receive two public salaries) One because of Councillor or mayor and another for Deputy in the Parliament of the region of the aforementioned people. That only lasts four years?. Good and that. Perhaps it has had to pass an exam or perform a test of capabilities. The only effort that is demanded is left to put his name in the municipal lists and go to the photo. In addition, more than one, it is lasting (the job as politician) more batteries (it seems that it works that recharge the batteries) Moreover, once inside, it is not necessary to have or own criterion, or ability to assess the proposals, nor knowledge to know who vote or what is being voted upon. Or use the logic or the common sense because all that is responsible for the leadership of the party, which is the position, salary and ultimately the profession of politician.

And as there are also members of the party leadership (or occur) characteristics, is not forced to resort to the hiring of outside counsel, which study, propose, advise, and form, among other things, our politicians, even with minimal notions of reading, may reach reading great speeches (made by one or another Adviser). Hence find it difficult if not impossible, you can improve system parliamentary and faced this reality palpable and demonstrable, and faced with the difficulties of finding work, not us surprised how future policy professionals, are disputing finishers in the lists of parties, because in many cases and according to the statistics, we know who have option to be able to exercise the profession of politicianNo matter be menganito or fulanito and by therefore no matter who has made that menganito and that foo to be where this. Do they can do three lawyers, an engineer, an economist, a doctor and a businessman who continue to work despite being members? Because that which has it more crude is the employer, but the others, if they have firm and have been organized to have a good team, even you can go them well, because its name gives prestige and category to the firm by the possible influence. Do that two advisers, four teachers, four directors of the regional government and a Secretary and a Vice President have forgotten?. No, you have not forgotten me. But better to leave it without comment these double salaries.

Already know everyone to get on the list, if there is luck, so that, to live four years with two salaries. Even with the salary of Deputy I am also satisfied. Total don’t have to know anything. Original author and source of the article

Kerch Peninsula

Of course, the Crimean peninsula is one of the most amazing places on our planet. As the saying goes ‘The Order of the chest of the Earth’. And it really looks like the order, when you look at pictures of Earth from space. Crimea surprising combines a variety of landforms and climatic conditions in a sufficiently small area that gives the Crimea special uniqueness. And of course the rich and diverse flora and fauna, some species plants, for example, are endenikami (ie found only in the Crimea). In Crimea you can see the plains and steppes, mountains, densely overgrown forests on the slopes, with a completely treeless peaks, the South Coast thickets a lot of old parks that have become part of the original card of the Crimean nature. In Crimea there is anything like so travelers naturalists: staring up mountain peaks, many of the mysterious caves (for example, Marble Cave is among the five most beautiful caves in the world!), majestic canyons, waterfalls. On the Kerch Peninsula, you can even find unusual mud volcanoes are still active.

I’m sure many people do not heard that they exist. Of course, an integral part of the Crimea are the two surrounding its seas: the Black and Azov Sea, which, incidentally is the smallest in the world (average depth of 7 meters of the Azov Sea, maximum 13). These seas Crimea is washed with virtually all the parties. Landscapes of the peninsula is so diverse that you can find similarities with many corners of the globe. It is no coincidence as the Crimea was chosen by the filmmakers, here at simulate shooting and Egypt and Afghanistan, and even other planets. A huge number of unique places where nature has demonstrated his rich imagination and originality helpful.

The rocky coast Tarkhankut, mysterious Valley of ghosts on the mountain Demerdzhi, fantastic in its beauty rocks and coves of the New World, an ancient volcano Karadag (Black Mountain), terrestrial landscapes plateau Karabi Yes … to name a few! But not only natural wealth makes Crimea unique place on the planet. Local places since ancient times attracted people. On this peninsula crossed the path of many nations and civilizations, perhaps so the story is full of the most improbable of Crimea events and turns. Traces of different peoples in different historical times can be found in virtually all corners of Crimea. Well, today Crimea – is certainly a big resort and tourist complex, which is based are natural therapeutic resources. Mild curative climate, curative mud and water from salt lakes and mineral springs can not attract a large flow of tourists every year. We invite everyone to open for themselves, this beautiful corner of our planet. Recall the words of EL Markova, author of one of the first pre-revolution ‘of Crimea Essays’:’ Sketches of my resurrected in memory of some more or less vivid and true picture of life and the Crimean of nature will tempt him to find a live Crimea, enjoy its originality and its beauty.

Khazars Century

Meet – Gurzuf. Resort township Gurzuf located in the eastern part of Greater Yalta. Who ever vacationing in Gurzuf that certainly want to come back again here, in one of the most charming and beautiful locations of the Southern coast. It has formed a special microclimate. High mountains, running down to the sea, surrounded the village to protect it from cold winds. Leaves a lasting impression beauty of landscapes: Bear Mountain props behind the sky, the water rose rocks – Adalary islands, the ranks of leafy green vines on the surrounding hills, the slopes of the Gurzuf Yayla from showing white gazebo winds covered with dense forest.

The story starts from the bottom of Gurzuf centuries, there has replaced a lot of people to each other: Tauris, Greeks, Goths, Khazars, the Genoese … On the pass Gurzufskoe saddle archaeologists have discovered ancient temple belonging to, obviously, the brand. There they offered sacrifices to their gods. In center of the village up the coast from Genoa rock. At its peak in the sixth century on the orders of Emperor Justinian the First fortress was built Gorzuvity, and below, near the shore noisy port.

In the fourteenth century stronghold, destroyed by the Tatars, was restored Genoese, who enjoyed on the southern coast of active trading. Up to this day preserved their memory in the name of the fortress and the rocks – Dzhenevez. At the top of the rock are preserved only remnants wall, composed of rough stone in the mortar.

Sir Francis Drake

Pioneer Caribbean and Sargasso Seas, as well as the Bahamas and the Antilles is the Spanish admiral Christopher Columbus. His first expedition (1492 -1493) came from Palos August 3, 1492 from the Canary Islands, she turned west, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, revealing the Sargasso Sea, and reached (October 12, 1492) Islands in the Bahamas archipelago, named by Columbus San Salvador. Visiting a number of islands, Columbus, October 28 – December 5, went to the north-east coast Cuba. December 6, he reached the island of Haiti and moved along its northern shore. On the night of December 25, the flagship "Santa Maria" sat on the reef, but the crew escaped.

During his second voyage (1493-1496) Columbus discovered the Lesser Antilles, as well as the island of Puerto Rico and Jamaica. Soon after Columbus European powers began to fight for supremacy in the Caribbean. They gave permission to the sailors to plunder ships of other countries. The dangers of travel led to a rapid Development of insurance. Thus, in the navigation types of voluntary insurance soon became quite numerous. These adventurers are called Buccaneer or filibusters, terrified by the merchants and travelers.

These adventurers often drew strength against all vessels, without considering their origin. A team of pirates often consisted of sailors, who were not like the heavy naval work and strict discipline, were among them and the prisoners from the captured ships. Part of the production team captain and left himself and the rest of the right to receive the king. "Romantic exploits" of pirates becoming some story of adventure novels. Of the many thousands of pirate fame is not everything: the terrifying Edward Teach (Blackbeard), William Kidd loser, the famous Sir Francis Drake – English admiral. He has led many pirate raids, made around the world journey. In 1588, led by Drake defeated the Spanish fleet was the "Invincible Armada" which threatened England. The most famous of all the Caribbean pirates is considered to Henry Morgan, who later became governor of Jamaica. He devoted special chapters of the monograph and in all historical studies of Caribbean piracy, writer, Rafael Sabatini, largely relied on the story of his life when creating the image of Captain Blood. Legends of treasures hidden by pirates off until better times, still attract the Caribbean adventure.


The EuroMillions made this summer a chunk in Verin, Ourense. HolidayCheck was asked which destinations can be found the mysterious winner of 7,500,000 euros. The most exclusive travel can afford with such award. Do you want to know what? Luxury yacht: 650,000 perhaps found aboard a yacht in Monte Carlo luxury enjoying French champagne and elbowing with the jetset. And one of the most attractive yachts on the French riviera is the Princess Mariana. Designed by naval architect Espen Oeino and interior designer Francois Zuretti yacht has a cover which can flood and become a 12 metre pool with underwater lights and treads, while the starboard hull low sea level and becomes a solarium.

It has fifteen cabins of luxury and a helipad to receive the guests who prefer to arrive by helicopter. To keep in mind: the price is per day. Around the world in private jet: 110.345 does the round the world? It can be more comfortable than it looks. With 110.345, a Tip for our euromillonario. It is the price – per person – from the Air Safari.

Since last year the company organizes turns to the world with Gulfstream IV private jet. The journey begins at the airport John Wayne in California-hard 21 days recoriendose 25.450 miles. The adventure includes an East African safari with stays in the most exclusive lodges in Tanzania and Kenya. Most notable visits include the pyramids of Giza, Hong Kong Harbor and the Taj Mahal. Designed for eight passengers, the trip has ecological undertones: carbon emissions are reduced to the maximum to avoid, insofar as possible, global warming. Exploring the Titanic: 40,000 and 4,000 meters deep lie the remains of the Titanic. And a pellizquito of the EuroMillions about 40,000 euros – La Vida travel agency is Bella organizes from Madrid travel to St John s, in Canada, to contemplate the famous ship aboard a submersible capsule MIR, the same that were used to shoot the film. The immersion is He recorded on video and is an exciting journey in time.

Traveling Out

If you are of those who are already planning the 2011 Easter vacation there is something you should know. There is a low cost airline that is practically throwing the House out the window, takes advantage of this and passes dolled and unforgettable vacation! The airline, in conjunction with the Toluca airport reached agreement to make that you save on your next vacation. What is happening is that this Exchange you will benefit because the Toluca airport is going to give TUA (airport usage fees) which costs $204 pesos and is charged on your plane ticket. So this airline as well as offer you very low costs normally, now reduced you $204 pesos. Here is a little bit going so that you are planning your Easter 2011:-Acapulco from $495 – Cancun from $1195 – Guadalajara from $695 – Ixtapa from $495 – Los Cabos from $1295 – Monterrey from $1195 – Puerto Vallarta from $795 imagine you go on vacation to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo spending only $495 pesos in your plane ticket! These prices apply only coming out from Toluca so that when planning your vacation remember to make scale in Toluca or exit from there, you will save lots of money. Remember that this promotion is only travelling by an airline, enters its internet portal and find out about this and many other promotions.