Vanguardia Digital

I have given this title the post, because apparently people do not believe in such proposals as published in this article Allado on 26/7/09 Vanguardia Digital offers some tour operators. Do not quote, because they are spelled in articulo.Unos say it is subliminal advertising. Others, who at the end (time to decide), nothing is accomplished.Others, that it is all decrimento of service quality and prestige of the brand offered, etc…Vosotros / as What do you think HOLIDAY LOW Costle travel agencies launch campaign offers more aggressive tourist promotions a osUna they are giving more to say is that has launched a strategy with which the portal has signed an agreement with the customer for which this is going on vacation without paying anything for adelantadoANT NIA JUST CIA Barcelona 26/07/2009 Each with its strategy, but with the same aim: to sell vacations. And not only with the classic 2×1, adjusting prices and giving away free nights or stay of the children. Traditional travel agencies on line and have put their machinery to work to get to market more aggressive sales strategies that have been recalled in years.Everything to stem the decline of tourists from more than 20 which is expected this verano.Reconquistar the tourism islasEl proximity to that of the Spanish coast, is one of the products have better output this summer, according to all respondents . “We had not sold almost never the product of our coast and is now growing at around 20 by people who have resigned or Riviera Maya Costa Rica,” say the makers of Viajes El Corte English. Those who are better off leaving the islands, so as the Balearic Islands, where the sales volume to these destinations grows on the order of 6 compared with other years. “They’re recapturing the islands,” says Roger Graell, marketing director of promotions that are giving more to say is that it has launched with “treatment”. One strategy that the portal has signed an agreement with the client why this is going on vacation without paying anything in advance. Upon his return, quoted by the travel and the services it deems most fair price.”It’s a risky campaign, but you must believe in the product, have the support of hotels and rely on the honesty of people,” says Oscar Morera, head of marketing through “the treatment” have offered a total of 500 destinations, hotel stays mainly Spanish and European trips to places like Egypt, Punta Cana, Gambia and Madeira, where they have been offered flight and hotel, escapes three or four days at hotels mainly Spanish airline tickets or just return to places like Lanzarote, Fuerteventura or Gran Canaria Zurich. “It is a pilot project which meets the need for hoteliers to sell rooms. Before having them empty and does not charge have decided to participate in the test,” says Isabel Bernabe, head of communications.”How to catch the customer’s last moment when there is so much supply on the market We have committed ourselves to make a deal,” he concludes Morera.Y Oscar this year is that we no longer speak last minute, but the very latest hour. “As we took in June and July, the time between booking date and the day that you travel has been reduced from 23 to 14 days compared with last year,” said Roger Graell, marketing director of .

German Culture

For example in the educational Act there are rules or standards for teachers and one of them is: reach timely classes; and this usually arrives late, this situation presents an immoral case because is this breach with the internal regulations of the College. According to the different paradigms, there are authors that define pedagogy as a knowledge, others as an art and others as a science; Although it is noted that it is currently a debate to consider the pedagogy as a science. The pedagogy is enriched and their development progresses with different disciplines such as sociology, economics, anthropology, psychology, history, philosophy or medicine. Therefore, you can define as a set of knowledge that applies to education as a social phenomenon and specifically human which aims at the study of education in order to meet her, analyze it and refine it. The idea of training comes from the Greek culture of the 17TH century with the term Bildunf, which has left us Greeks as Gogke, Hegel and Fichte philosophers.

The context on which this concept came, the Bildunf this linked with the term culture. End of the 17TH century, intellectuals opt for the formation of a German nation, politically unit namely, knowledge which leads to think about how to build a Germany which at the time was not formed or unified and recreate it under the principles. Which leads to the conclusion that to build a nation it has to do with culture understood as training, as it must be understood the term German Bildunf meaning image, imagination and development. Today in pedagogy the term Bildunf regard to all students, which means that this activity became to make the school object. The Bildunf is a process and wing again a result. In this conception to start all is deprived of a way and the Bildunf represents this movement towards a way to have your own.

United States

The policy to be followed by him, without a doubt, has always been aimed at dominating the world unilaterally through absolute military superiority. It is doing to die to many American soldiers without necessity, without reason, making them believe that the United States of America are in danger, that there is an Islamic terrorism in every corner and in every country, and it has never explained them that, possibly, the building the Afghanistan war by revenge and sale of weapons, and Iraq looking for oil. Not to make life more comfortable to the Americans or to the rest of the countries in the world, but to enrich themselves in union of American arms manufacturers: United States.UU. It is the first manufacturer of military weaponry in the world.(I remember, because I would be remiss to the truth, that September 11 was an attack on the whole world, but the obligation of the CIA, the FBI was find the perpetrators and put them for safekeeping, but never promote war, war by war that can (degenerate in the III war world. God forbid!) And with its law of silence, the law of torture, deception law, law that jumps to the UN when it comes in WINS., with this first law will continue until the conclusion of his term of Office in the upcoming elections on November 7. Bush lacks intelligence, and spare uncontrolled boldness.It is a Messenger but not a statesman.

It represents to himself but not to Americans. He is a man in political but fearsome decline because she is giving the last throes of a harmful and deceitful person: he said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and we all know that this last assertion, like many others, lacked substance and evidence. What remember! our friend Bush which liberal democracies rely on the votes of persons, and the changing use they may make of them.