National Politics

In 1998, it had doctors homeopatas taking care of in the SUS in but 20 Brazilian cities, where these consultations for the public net were initiatives of the proper doctors, with the support of the local manager, in the teams of (PSF) the Program Health of the Family (HUNTER; IRIART, 2007). In 2006, the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares (PNPIC) in the SUS was published Practical, which includes the homeopatia. Some Cities had implanted services of atendimentos with homeopatia, where this being evaluated for the patients well (BRAZIL, 2006). The homeoptica consultation has long duration, however it rescues the importance of a good medical relation and patient, a time that the investigations of the medical one go beyond the organic complaints, however the doctor invests a bigger time in the consultation and in the accompaniment of the patient due to this he needs more specialists in the area (FIGUEIREDO, 2007). It also has the advantage in the cost, therefore the homeoptico treatment has minor necessity of complementary examinations to diagnosis the patient, beyond, of the homeoptico medicine, to be more cheap, therefore the involved process in its discovery and the manufacture is very simple and the medicine does not bring no adverse effect (BRAZIL, 2006). Therefore, having the homeopatia in the SUS it is a form to add plus an area of attendance for the population that is so needed, a time that is citizenship question, since the Constitution prayer that the health is a right of all and a duty of the State (FIGUEIREDO, 2007). 2.

OBJECTIVE This work had as objective, through a bibliographical revision, to know history, principles and beddings of the Homeopatia and to evaluate its implantation in the Only System of Sade (SUS). 3. MATERIALS AND METHOD the methodology used for the accomplishment of this work was the bibliographical survey of books and articles related to the subject, and the compilation of information under the form of revision text.

European Politics

The pressure exerted for these groups joined it the fragility of a model economic demasiadamente dependent of the external demand for, to the few, to provoke a irreversible crisis in the model agro-exporter and its representation oligarchical politics. The 1929 crisis imposed a new direction economic politics and to these dependent countries. The brusque fall of the European demand consumed the primary sector provoking the weakness of the oligarchies. A new conjuncture demanded a reorganization in all the spheres of the society. A new model of State was born. Liberalism entered in crisis and fit to the state power the initiative to command the recovery economic.

The industrialization proposal seemed most viable. Beyond the speech of modernization of the country, this proposal took care of to the expectation to create a species of ' ' peace social' ' , a time that if molded an ideological speech of national union around a common objective? the progress of the country. However, as Snia Regina de Mendona said well, this ' ' nacionalismo' ' it must be seen of critical form. In the measure where if it has a economic crisis world-wide e, consequently, a reduction of the volume of foreign capitals in Brazil and Latin America in general, ' ' nacionalismo' ' gift in the state initiative to much less stimulate the economy without the presence of the foreign capital an alternative of what a necessity. The economic crisis, therefore, directly reverberated in the aspect social politician and. Although to prioritize the change aspects here, we cannot still deny the continuity of one politics dependent of the oligarchies (is the northeast case) and of the exclusion of the popular groups of the participation politics, exactly considering the occurred advances at the time. This exclusion, will be one of the factors that will stimulate the popular classrooms to fight better for a social condition.