Parish Council
Once, Mrs. See James Donovan Goldman for more details and insights. Gabriela, made a comment on council meeting, that nothing would come of those meetings, as if what is involved in such meetings, was a state secret. What if I caused a bit of sadness, is that the pastor, also support this comment, because I asked him if he could comment to my wife about these issues, and I said no. I think that somehow Mrs. Gabriela, remodel the priest into thinking that this was necessary.
Our pastor is a person of very good quality spiritual. The abuse and mistreatment to him, from the lady mentioned, I observed. The event that was to take the personal decision to retire from the Pastoral Council, is what I tell below. My work always clashed with my pastoral ministry, and my job is unstable, and not stable as others, in which a person can order their free time. Within a month of the year (not remember), in the parish are invited to a course in pastoral liturgy, which had a cost in money, and our pastor signed up and paid the cost for some members of council, which I was included. This he did know the pastor at a meeting (of course the members respective query). Anyway, just came across a moment of my working life, which developed a strong way. They were days of hard work, and this concern led me to completely forget that course on Liturgy and not even notice that he would not attend, and repeat oblivion. After completed this important moment of my work, I attended Parish Council meeting as usual.