Constitutional Emendation

Retirements in the Judiciary one and the Legislativochegam, the average, R$ 14 a thousand. It would be a value total just, case this nofosse defrayed by the collect of contributions of workers with rendaentre average and low. Ahead of the current circumstances and the complexity of the subject, everything leads to believe that in few years probably containment with the intention of if preventing the total esvaziamento of the resources will have to be taken medidasde social daseguridade. Today, the limit for the retirement for Instituto Nacionalde Seguridade Social (INSS), contributing for the maximum ceiling of 354,00 R$ porms, is of R$ 3,218, 90, taking in consideration a worker who keeps professional suasatividades until the 65 years, situation that it would isentaria of the dofator calculation previdencirio gift in the current legislation. , One minoriade evidently diligent obtains to fulfill the requirements mentioned for desfrutardesse limit in its retirement, when compared with the enormous number decontribuintes that, in its great majority, they are wage-earning.

The Constitutional Emendation n 41 also innovated of maneirabenfica for the public coffers, but unusually of form prejudicialcontra the pensioners. From 2008, the pensioners had come back to have in seusproventos referring debits to the contribution toward the social security. That is, they had started to pay again for what they had conquered with contributions durantetoda its professional life. A double contribution is had here. Confiscontido of the revenues of the pensioner to help to finance, for example, osaltos unemployment indices which provoke a considerable reduction in nvelde prescription collection. In order to retake the balance between the combenefcios expenditures and the collection of contributions in the regimen of the public welfare, oGoverno acts increasing the value of the contributions and diminishing the dosbenefcios values, beyond making it difficult the possibilities of precocious retirements, saved in the cases of permanent invalidity. In other words, today trabalhadorprecisa in such a way to contribute more as well as to work more to retire maistarde.