If we succeed but, that to many households and Companies supply largely self-taught with energy and consume less power, then billions of euros can be saved here. The energy transition would much faster and cheaper to implement.” The companies from Frickenhausen-Linsenhofen is, however, a major hurdle for the craft in the region: the already acute lack of specialists and trainees. The issue of training is becoming increasingly important. We employ almost 20 years trainees regularly to get enough qualified staff. Although, for example, the profession of electrician has become very versatile and challenging in the past few years, our industry among young people has not the best image,”explains Frank Hummel. Here must be applied strictly.
Currently we are looking desperately new employees to meet the great demand.” One problem is the image of the trade according to the Managing Director of the Hummel system House. There is now no longer the classic electrician. Innovative building and Communications, IT and the area of renewable energy have massively modernising our profession and upgraded”, so the Master electrician. I hope that this gets around to the schools in the District of Esslingen, because in many local craft businesses with a future, which last but not least get also a great social importance by the turn of the energy jobs.” The HUMMEL House is in the region of Stuttgart, Esslingen and Nurtingen is one of the leading companies in the fields of electrical and building technology, IT and communications technology, and renewable energy technology. For 40 years the company from Frickenhausen-Linsenhofen relies on precision, expertise and comprehensive service. in 1993, Frank Hummel took over the family business. Contact: Hummel Systemhaus GmbH & co. KG in the TV fields 13 72636 Frickenhausen-Linsenhofen Frank Hummel (CEO) phone: 07025/91271-0 telefax: 07025/91271-118