One was about one documentary research, therefore the sources are articles that deal with Mathematical Modeling in Ensino, presented by means of communication of scientific research or published story of experience and in annals of congresses or scientific magazines. The work had three distinct phases. In the first phase, we proceed the recital and the study from the Mathematical Modeling in education and on learning by means of diverse book readings to base the studied question as base for the solid agreement concerning the subject. In the second phase we proceed the search from articles of authors with significant works on the subject. At this moment thirty articles had been read more than to process the election. In the third stage a comparative picture was constructed enters the works selected with the objective to analyze them.
This picture more allowed a deepened study in function of the comparison between the elencados works. With this it was possible to perceive the knowledge that the authors possess on Mathematical Modeling in education and its use as method of education and research in mathematics in the classroom. 3. Theoretical Referencial To need the accurate moment where the quarrels on mathematical modeling had emerged in Brazil is a complex task. However, considering that mathematical model is defined by Biembengut (2009, p.12) as ' ' a set of symbols and mathematical relations that it looks to translate, of some form, a phenomenon in question or problem of real situation, ' ' it is possible to verify that its use if has revealed since the times most remote through isolated situations and little systemize. The invention of the wheel for the sumrios in year 3000 B.C. is considered one of the first mathematical models produced by the humanity. This manifestation also occurred through the great scientists who had produced celebrities models throughout history, as Eraststenes (276? 196 B.C.) that it created a mathematical model to measure the circumference of the Land.