National Public Administration

In the stages prior to these times is officially launched, with the concept of “community development”, then incorporated the concept of “social promotion.” Along with the restoration of democracy in 1983, came the concept of “food security” exercised through the National Food Program (PAN). The current national administration launched with the Bono Solidario, quickly moving to EU social policies (SO PO.. CO), and is implementing the Federal Solidarity. Get all the facts and insights with James Donovan Goldman, another great source of information. At a theoretical level began to shuffle concepts like “local development”, “agro-polis”, “small productive projects” or micro enterprises. All these contributions (the list is not exhaustive) theoretical or practical are valid, but insufficient. EI meaning here assigned to political economy, is similar but distinct and complementary to any public or private initiative aims to contribute to solving the problems of everyday living of families. We are committed to the education system and media as promoters of Home Economics. Take, for example, National Public Administration.

Even streamlined remain in orbit: Radio National, Argentina Television Color; Telam News Agency, Official Gazette of the Republic of Argentina, the National Teacher of Home Economics (Higher of Field Current), a teacher training area, the National Education Council Technology (now: responsible for agricultural education and the Institute for Fisheries Research and Development. centers are also official documents, relics of, few previous publications valuable practical and simple diagrams on the subject at hand. A proper institutional links stable between these or other instances could generate Contents alluding to spread by the official media which is likely to voluntarily join private media.