And the town did not respond word. Tablitas of the Gentleman Christian in the policy II Serafn Alarcn is not sinned to vote, is not it. However, the democracy gives the right him to the citizens to exert the vote like the one to abstain. I have exerted never it and much less I will do now it. In this individual there are three Biblical interpretations on subject and all are viable for the believer.
The Biblical passage to consider is Roman 13. But before continuing I must clarify one fourth interpretation and that I consider pertinent to put in its perspective joust the brother Witnesses of the Society Watch Tower abstain to vote by an incorrect and literal interpretation of (Mateo 8:8 – 9 took the devil Again to him to a very high mount, and it showed all the kingdoms to him of the world and the glory of them, 9 and said to him: All this I will give you, if postrado you will adore to me). The powers and magistrates and political powers of the world although are evil are not in favor of disposition of Satan Are because it has allowed it to God. And since it would do the past in with the town of Israel leaving governed tyrants to them, and even using them as in the case of Nabucunodosor, God exerts sovereignty on the governments of the world. The abstention to the vote must be by taking of brings back to consciousness and any more. That is to say, that I exert the freedom that gives me to God to decide if I must be inmiscuir in the election of somebody.