
The Philosophy of History in the theories of Kant. Appeared Carla Lopes Silva Summary: the present article has as objective to consider the quarrel and reflection on the understanding of uncurling of the time, that is, the history of the humanity in different historical contexts established by telos utopian, considering the understanding of what it is constituent Philosophy of History and its elements correlating with the idea Kantiniana de Universal Histria of a cosmopolita point of view. Words keys: Philosophy of History, Kant, utopia. When mensurar the conception of Telos understands? if that all philosophical theory defends an arrival point, and an inevitable destination, which can correlate with some philosophies during passing of the historical time to interpret which this direction of telos in history, therefore we go to interpret Eva and Adam first, therefore the structure of this history and explicitada by the following item; because in this period notion of a teleologia was not had, a notion of past, gift, future the time that was displayed for Adam and Eva it was the time of the eternity of the proper God, not it perception of a process which if has the starting point, to uncurl of the time, and the point of arrival, will only be analyzed with these such premises when the modification of thinking of Adam and Eva occurs, that is, when eating the forbidden fruit, thus passes if to tell a new world, time of suffering, therefore is born the historical History of the humanity and philosophies and its telos there. Therefore it had a fall with this perpetual time of the proper God in the edio time, medievo to telos that if characterize for the present understanding and passed to create the hypotheses of the point of fond of the humanity, thus in the Medieval Age as antecedent it had the pureness, later it had the fall of this perpetual time, and will go to occur return with the life of messias the land and being guaranteed, thus the salvation of all the human beings and the return this perpetual time in another supernatural plan.


Betting in infanto-youthful literature as study object, leading in consideration that this: … constitutes a field of production, circulation and cultural appropriation, its study has been important source for the historical inquiry. In the historiogrfico work, literature has been tool of apprehension of the sociocultural dynamics of different historical moments. However, it has that if to detach the especificidade of the source and the importance of the historian to take the text literary not as description of the Real, but as its representation. Representation this consisting in the dialogue with the excessively practical cultural ones, that confers to practical literary its sustentation. (GOUVEIA, 2005, p.3) We perceive, here, that many of the authors make its reading only of the literary narratives, the historian has that to have pra itself that this form of language is plus a representation of the Real, of what is lived, that it is felt, that is witnessed in the society, watered of values, subjetividades, representations. The decade of 1980, with all its redemocratizao, gave the first steps to breach with these forms of prejudiced representations of the black, representative personages of the afro-Brazilians had been beyond the confrontation of racial, social preconceptions and of sort.

It had a concern with the writing, valuing the mythology and the religion of African matrix. A rupture with the model of disqualification of the deriving narratives of the African verbal traditions is also perceived and providing one ressignificao of the importance of the figure materna (mother and grandmother) in the life of the child. Also we can perceive, according to analyses of Sousa (2005a), that the reproduced images and that compose the text of the didactic book if they show more diversified, less estereotipadas.' ' They the black personages pass to be represented with braids of African style, hairdos and suits variados.' ' (SOUSA, 2005, P. 191) These transformations had happened for great effort and organization of the black movements, of the black women, in the turn of the century, the intention of positivizar the black personages through denunciations and claims, including in this space the study of the African culture and the releitura of the images and passivity of the black in the period escravocrata.

National Curricular Parameters

History was as an appendix of Geography and of the Moral and Civic Education, that information supplied on institucional administration, the native symbols, the great ones you lead and important national events. Throughout years 80, significant changes in the education of History had occurred, making with that its assumed configuration (social studies) gradually was transformed. (FONSECA, 2003). From years 90, Fonseca (2003, p.26) claims that in the context neoliberal-conservative, the disputes around a new educational politics and of the new Law of Lines of direction and Bases had been gradually modifying the configurations of the education of History. It disciplines it of Social Studies was removed of the grating of the four first initial series and in its place they had returned you discipline them of History and Geography as you discipline autonomous worker. Fonseca points that the education of History assumed new feies: The content of taught History assumed different images in the diverse spaces where if they process the debates, the quarrels and the reformularizations, aiming at to revalorizar it as field to know basic autonomous worker for the formation of the thought of the citizens.

(FONSECA, 2003, p.26). The decade of 1990 is understood as a historical landmark, therefore they had been you discipline extinct them of EMC (Moral and Civic Education), OSPB (Social Organization and Politics of Brazil) and EPB (Study of the Brazilian Problems) and the courses of short licenciatura had also been gradually extinct. The government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso initiated the implementation of the educational politics. In 1997 the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs) and the government had been published assumed a series of measures that had in such a way caused deep changes the history of the Brazilian education as you discipline of them as a whole. Time-space and society: contributions for the education of Geography and History the education of Geography must focar the space in its multiple dimensions: economic, cultural politics and.


It has belt and thirty and three years, Jacare listened to for the first o whistle of the Maria-smoke, that not only brought the passengers of the inaugural trip, but the promise of a new age. The history of the train if mixture with the history of the Valley of the Paraba, its people, its culture and even of the architecture. The train exceeded the way of the tracks and arrived at music, literature, the painting and created a new style architectural that will influence the too much constructions of the time. The history of the Valley of the Paraba is populated with personages and its creators who had left its perpetual marks this way. Hunter Lobato, Cassiano Ricardo, Euclides of the Wedge, Mazzaropi, between that they make this valley to be singular in all the history of Brazil. Detached during the cycle of the coffee, the region prospered, generated wealth and attracted as living the barons of the coffee, the green gold.

Luxury and requinte were exhibited in the large houses, in the way of if dressing, walking and to speak, bringing for the region a little of belle poque that it invigorates in the Europe. The Valley of Paraba possesss diverse paradoxes become that it particular. Conservative and vanguardista at the same time, were the last region in the state of So Paulo to extinguish the hand of enslaved workmanship, but she was one of the pioneers in Brazil in the construction of the railroad that passes for this region. the history of this railroad, as well as the history of the Valley of the Paraba, could not leave of to be singular and repleta of truths that seem legends and legends that seem truths. Brazil will have its first railroad in thirty of April of a thousand eight hundred and fifty and four, with the Railroad Petrpolis, later call of E.F.

General Character Development

Roman Empire, a bastion of the slave system, collapsed under the blows of revolution of slaves and the barbarian invasions. This major historic event marked the beginning of a new era, the era that will end no other Equally important event – the collapse of the feudal serf regime under the blows of the peasant uprisings in the fire of the bourgeois revolutions of xvii – xviii centuries. Trinadtsativekovoy period is in between these historical events we call the Middle Ages. What were filled with these centuries? That moved forward the development of material and spiritual culture? That contributed to the development of new forms of economic and social life? These thirteen centuries saw the reform of Diocletian and Constantine, barbarian hordes of Alaric and Attila, smash the 'lord of the world' – ancient Rome; movement of tribes and nations, the birth of new states, changing the political face of Europe, the growth power of the Christian Church and full of dramatic episodes of centuries-old struggle with the popes emperors; State Carolingian and Merovingian; crusades – this, according to Robertson, 'a magnificent monument human folly '- the first leading East and West in close contact, many wars of feudal states, which emerged as a result of the political boundaries of modern nations; heretical movements and violent uprising against the feudal serfs and ecclesiastical oppression, feudal lords and the clergy suppress these uprisings, and suffocating in the flame of bonfires and the dungeons of the Inquisition the slightest manifestation of free human thought.

The Emergence Of Slavic Statehood

About (because there is no exact date) to the turn of eras Slavic expansion started from the territory of Carpathian upper reaches of the Dniester, as well as the right bank of the middle Dnieper to the west, south and east. Slavs migrated westward in the direction of headwaters of the Vistula, Elbe and then, skirting the outer Western Carpathians. To the east of the Slavic tribes were distributed in the direction of the Upper Volga and Oka. To the south Slavs moved in the direction of the Danube, and then along it to the west, occupying the area along the tributaries of the Danube and invading the limits of the Byzantine Empire. While the western and eastern areas of expansion of the Slavic tribes recovered from archaeological data, the southern direction is well documented in the evidence of Byzantine authors. Due to the fact that the Slavs entered the early Middle Ages is not a monolithic people, and divided into three main tribal education – Wends, sklaven and Ants (According to the Byzantine sources), and occurred early medieval geography and related partly cultural isolation from each other the western, eastern and southern Slavs. Then began the formation of the Slavic peoples and states, namely: Sarmatia, Gothia, , Avar , Great Bulgaria, the , the Great Moravian Empire, the Russian chaganat Ladogo-Novgorod Russia, Poland, Serbia, Croatia and, of course, Kiev Russ. The modern science of history and does not give an exact answer, when and where there was Slavic people, like any other ethnic group. But it gives a clear definition of what exactly in this time interval (ie, the second – the fifth century) came Slavs in the era of open spaces, first in Central and Eastern Europe and then, of course, subject to the South Slavic areas. As previously noted, at the turn of the fifth or sixth century, the Slavs, such as organized mass tribes exerted pressure not only on the Danube border of Rome (which became, after the events – the Byzantine) Empire, but also reaching Greece, "visiting", while Thrace. In this way, more precisely, thus, began the exchange between Slavic, Greco-Roman world, which, in the first decades of the sixth century, was hostile, but eventually became normal, and, over time, and friendly.

Morozova Women

Home front girl back young, it seemed – in front of all life, that's only the first 30 years of almost nightly nightmares No, not for women – the war! Here is an ordinary incident of war from the memoirs of Sgt ea Morozova: 'Who just do not have to be during the war: sanitary instructors, donors, machine gunners, several times went with a group of scouts for the' language 'and the definition locations of enemy firing points. Difficult, especially girls. After all, walked shoulder to shoulder, we, along with men, drowned in the swamps froze in the cold huts. I remember going tough fights, there were many wounded and suddenly hear the roar approaching German, tanks, drive straight into a handful of tommy. We are prepared to grapple with huge black tank with a on the tower. I grabbed a bottle of fuel, swung and threw her under the tracks tank Oh, Lord, did worked The tank stopped and burst into flames. The soldiers cheered and with force and anger hit with machine guns on the German infantry.

When the attack was repulsed, I sat silently on the ground trench. Approached the soldiers, looked me eyes, smiling: 'And you. Kate, well done !' And I do not know what they say. I do not remember what she did, I did everything as well as soldiers-men '. Nearly 800,000 women have fought with the Nazis. They served in different armies – the majority of hospitals (61% nurses were women), in a communications unit (80%) and traffic troops (nearly half of the composition).

Michel Nostradamus

Shakti and is dedicated to the 17 th day of the lunar calendar – day female energies, which advocates the union of individuals on the basis of love, freedom and equality into a single personality, able later to become a soul angel. As the goddess Shakti, after his transformation and become constantly speak soul of Eve. Ever since Eve – the goddess Shakti – and is all over the World love the Queen of Heaven (Mary), as is now the joint product of the archangel Michael Shower and Queen of Heaven (God). That is why an updated Soul Eve in the embodiment of man and woman disguise will eventually rule the whole world, and will help her in the Archangel Michael, and herself the Queen of Heaven (Lady). Can not write about the winners in his quatrains, and Michel Nostradamus which is designated in one of three quatrains immediately Viktorov, while hiding that one of them – not Victor and Victoria: The kingdom will be given to two, but they last very long. After three years and seven months, they start a war.

Two vestal against the rise, Jr. Victor in the Armenian land. (TS.4, k.95) from this quatrain is quite easy to understand that the kingdom will be first given to the two Viktors, but much older relative to younger Victor. Displayed in the quatrains and then when they start a war Victors: The number 4 shows on a month should keep reading (4 – April), and adding 4, 95 (99 or 1999) and 3 years – you can get, writes in his book, Dmitry Winter, "the ill-fated 2002 the year.

Jacob Evteevich Sedov

Everything else is ruthlessly collapses demolished, rebuilt. Completely sawed poplar, remembered Sedov, destroyed a unique house of the merchant Kozlov, construction of which involved his father Jacob Evteevich Sedov, on-street Yasha-sawyer. In oblivion, in the bush among the weeds and debris we saw in the summer of 2009 monuments in the local park, after order was restored ngo "Revival". All you heard in childhood about gy Sedov, to be honest, did not leave then deep trail it was seen as a mandatory school program. Just as in adulthood, we come to 'own' Gogol, Turgenev, Pushkin, so I came to the Sedov.

Many times, reviewed the exhibits of the museum in the village sedovskogo Sedov, read the memoirs of the expedition participants nv Pinegina, Vize, many authors 'break' the internet. Perhaps this is the main problem of local school: she tries to give ready-made knowledge. This is senseless. To knowledge has become beliefs require the active work of the man himself – this is the task of the school. Here's what he wrote in his famous article, our traveler and tv host Yuri Senkevich: 'The name of George Yakovlevich Sedov unusually popular in our country. Name it is called an archipelago and the island, cape and rush strait, two bay, two-bay The name of his village called Sedov (former Curve Spit), where he was born and is now preparing to open a museum of George Yakovlevich Sedov. Sedova street there and in Moscow, and in many other cities and towns.

Severodvinsk Shilov

Leader of the pack Fram did not return to the ship always remained at the tomb of Sedov. A touching story, a poem dedicated to her famous poet Edward Asadov. But such a monument, alas, no. But on the same site St.Pete I read the call to build the northern capital Putin’s dog statue. Probably, this is our mentality. Very much we do not love themselves and their history, as if ashamed to even it. This Norwegians put the famous ship ‘Fram’, which sailed Nansen and Amundsen to the eternal R.

parking lot, turned it into a museum. We sedovskogo ‘Holy Fok’ simply thrown to the arbitrariness, the winds carried him out on the island of Severodvinsk Shilov, where he was carried off for firewood. Tent in which he died G. Sedov, sold at butcher aprons (!). House in , where they lived sedovskoy members of the expedition, the authorities demolished the treacherously. Schooner ‘West’ that played in the movie ‘George Sedov’rol’ St. Phocas’ rot in and will be ready to scrap.

At home in the Sedov Azov village Sedova in the 60 years of savagely destroyed the old cemetery, where they were buried, parents and relatives Sedov. Cemetery sold for building a boarding house with a symbolic name ‘chill’ and the bones of the founders village, a former Cossack village, just taken away in a landfill, where they dug pit. Of course, do not put any chapel, any sign, which could bring flowers. In the village park suffered only a couple of local dust ‘Revolutionaries’.