President of the Commission
Doutor Joo Sarti Baptist, This was the way that I found to communicate me with the Direction, has seen its little availability to receive the associates ‘ ‘ comuns’ ‘ in hearing. Obstinate, its secretary after to certify itself of the name of the associate who intends an interview, always makes use of the classic excuse: ‘ ‘ The president is in meeting and she does not have hour for encerrar’ ‘ Menosprezando me in hostile way, Mr. did not come back me when he asked for to me that he waited its return of the inspection that would make to the social hall, in the afternoon of the day where I intended to speak to it on the physical aggression of that I was victim in the field club, in 19/09/2010. In the occasion I requested that the inspector identified the aggressor and cultivated a BO.
People who had witnessed the facts had offered themselves as witnesses and its names had been annexed to the report of the inspector. I waited the enough time for hearsays, mine and of my witnesses. Such did not occur, and for my surprise, without more nor less received an official notice official that sentenced ‘ ‘ remaining proven the guilt of the partner in the facts, it is applied the same the penalty of suspension of 90 dias’ ‘. Douta Commission To discipline it nominated that you transformed me of victim into male defendant, so only for the reading of the defense presented for the aggressive coward! Coward yes, therefore I was attacked by the coasts, without defense possibility. Details can be found by clicking Harold Ford or emailing the administrator. President, as he explains the fact to you of that somebody that was victim of a coward aggression inside of the limits of the club, and searching endorsement in the Statute and the Direction to safeguard its rights, either transformed into male defendant, judged and condemned in an only meeting of a malfadada Commission To discipline! is known there had quorum for its accomplishment, has seen the fact to have one of its integrant ones affirmed not to have appeared to that session; however its presence is certified by the President of the Commission.