Public Prosecutor
As a result, vehicle weighing error in the measurement of up to 30%. Appeals to the Public Prosecutor of the results do not give. Extortion at checkpoints weight control are flourishing. Another phenomenon in Russia is the introduction of annual seasonal time constraints of freight vehicles on the roads of national significance. Given the size of the rf spring thaw lasts 3 months, ie almost 25% of working time truckers inside countries do not have the right to work. No industry can not afford not to work of the year. Moreover, international carriers (Baits, Belarusians, Ukrainians, , Germans, Poles, Turks, etc.), these restrictions do not apply.
Their trains to move freely on Russian roads, often engaged in sabotage. Why is a clear discrimination of our carriers? In 2006, the Russian Constitutional Court has recognized such an order Federal Road Agency unlawful and quashed it. After that it was "issued" Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, signed by Fradkov, me, and 2007. again at 3 months all paralyzed transportation. In 2007. was adopted by the Federal Law 257 from 08.11.2007g On roads and road activities in the Russian Federation ", which" legalized "this vicious practice of road closures. Analysis of the Order and the Appendices to disclose trend towards the elimination of Russian carriers. Maximum allowable values of loads on the axle of the vehicle selected as "literacy" that, according to specifications on separate roads rf 3 months should not go on a voyage or even a blank tractor, and even more so with the trailer.