
These frasais constructions that value the linguistic variations gifts in speak of the personages, make with that the reader if approaches to the reality lived for them. This landmark of speaks daily brings for Brazilian literature a documentation on the social reality, also sounding in a critical tone of on the grammatical structures conservatives seen in the classic literary models. Being thus, it is perceived that with the coloquial use you say of them popular, searchs a rescue of Brazilian values that relight the indicating referenciais of the national feeling and nativista cultural identity. With this, in the measure where it goes earning force, the interest of literature if return for the expressions of the orality, the popular construction, and represents in its workmanships a coloquial language, at last expressions that denote the culture of a people and disclose its cultural production in its daily one, in environments that they express the way of life and the individual identity of each citizen, valuing the natural and wild space and its relation with the man and this, involves the reader in a game of connection between the man and its interaction with lands explored and colonized Brazilians. Leaving of the idea of Vannucchi (2002), a work is seen that literary that preza for the marks of the orality, for the style of common life, of a discredited language, gifts mainly in speaks less of the favored social classroom, discloses the conditions that the people live and its close linking with the same way as they perceive itself, that is, the individual that more good knows its roots will have greater sensitivity to identify its culture. However, this representation of speaks popular daily recognized by the author and valued with one high cultural index, thus also it will be perceived by the reader who will identify itself with such communicative situation, is what it happens with the reading of this analyzed story that without oratria and redundancy, it shows to the reader as the misery becomes the enemy poor person of its proper classroom desumanizando it, that is, to peculiar way, deals with to a so serious subject and form that this identification if materialize throughout the reading of pleasant form.


It has belt and thirty and three years, Jacare listened to for the first o whistle of the Maria-smoke, that not only brought the passengers of the inaugural trip, but the promise of a new age. The history of the train if mixture with the history of the Valley of the Paraba, its people, its culture and even of the architecture. The train exceeded the way of the tracks and arrived at music, literature, the painting and created a new style architectural that will influence the too much constructions of the time. The history of the Valley of the Paraba is populated with personages and its creators who had left its perpetual marks this way. Hunter Lobato, Cassiano Ricardo, Euclides of the Wedge, Mazzaropi, between that they make this valley to be singular in all the history of Brazil. Detached during the cycle of the coffee, the region prospered, generated wealth and attracted as living the barons of the coffee, the green gold.

Luxury and requinte were exhibited in the large houses, in the way of if dressing, walking and to speak, bringing for the region a little of belle poque that it invigorates in the Europe. The Valley of Paraba possesss diverse paradoxes become that it particular. Conservative and vanguardista at the same time, were the last region in the state of So Paulo to extinguish the hand of enslaved workmanship, but she was one of the pioneers in Brazil in the construction of the railroad that passes for this region. the history of this railroad, as well as the history of the Valley of the Paraba, could not leave of to be singular and repleta of truths that seem legends and legends that seem truths. Brazil will have its first railroad in thirty of April of a thousand eight hundred and fifty and four, with the Railroad Petrpolis, later call of E.F.

Traditional Familiar Model

the declivity of the family bourgeois is an indirect fruit of the Capitalism and the liberation of the woman. Now, the familiar unions are very varied, because they are based not as much on the economy as in the feelings, maintains professor Ignacio Sotelo, eminent sociologist. Before the crisis of the traditional family in the developed countries more, the professor argues that to the traditional conservatives, who define the family like the basic institution of the society, he oppresses to them to verify that the evolution exists and the diversity of types in which is had decomposed. Reduced to a conglomerate of affective bonds, the family has stopped forming the economic base of our existence, without she does not provide either estatus social that she identifies to us. That one expresses in feelings and affection favors that an enormous variety of types unfolds: legalized unions in fact or, in which both spouses work or only one, with or without children, biological or adoptive, one-parent, a single person, generally the woman, with a son or several, or those families that they reunite children had in different marriages, heterosexual or homosexual unions. the family bourgeois, sustained in the affective relation and the economic security, is now more unstable. The birth control, the education and the labor activity of the women have facilitated who many young people resign to the familiar bond, and that the variety of types of family has increased until the point of which the institution even threatens disappearing. Professor Sotelo argues that, in the Antiquity, the family lost her political dimension; in modernity, the economic one; now only it conserves the affective one, and the feelings very allow variable forms. In past times it was very difficult to survive besides the familiar protection. It is enough with remembering the destiny of the woman who was unmarried or she dared to break the marriage; she was excluded socially.


One of them says respect to the lingsticaalcanada autonomy. Until then, dasnormas reigned of acute form in our Portuguese literature the job. We even though had warm defenders of such model, comoRui Barbosa and Coelho Grandson. This aesthetic conservative was strong attacked pelosmodernistas. Mrio de Andrade, for example, in defense of our language, arrived to aanunciar the elaboration of a Brazilian grammar. According to Coutinho (1988, p.289) ' ' This aesthetic arcaizante and luzitanizante constitute doselementos of ' passadismo' more violently aimed at for the modernista fire, having itself also imagined one ' gramatiquinha of says brasileira' ' '.

However, in all evolution of our literature, observamosuma incessant fight on the part of many of our writers in search of literary nossaindependncia and for the construction of our Brazilian identity. As Coutinho (1997, p.342) ' ' All the writers had brought its lesser contribuiopor that fosse' '. Let us detach, for example, Jose de Alencar and outroscontemporneos its during the Romantismo. But the responsible greater is the Modernismo for what we call Brazilian deliteratura. An independent literature of the external models and quereflete faithful the culture and the personality of its people. With the oBrasil Modernismo it leaves of being mere copying of the structures Portuguese and literary art passes produziruma that corresponds with the heterogeneidade that it shelters. The great revolution aesthetic and ideolgicado Brazilian Modernismo was necessary all, at the beginning of century XX, so that slowly certostraos characteristic of the Portuguese of Brazil were being assumed official pelanorma-standard.

Great Brazilian writers as Manuel Flag, Mrio de Andrade, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Pink Guimares and other fizeramquesto to less write in a more Brazilian literary language and dependentedas impositions of the Portuguese grammarians. (Bagno, 2001. p.120-121) We must stand out that these conquests had not given to mere apenaspor anti-lusitanismo. The intention of the modernistas and mainly deMrio of Andrade, was a literary art that if it used of the materiallingstico revealed in the country.

Constitutional Emendation

Retirements in the Judiciary one and the Legislativochegam, the average, R$ 14 a thousand. It would be a value total just, case this nofosse defrayed by the collect of contributions of workers with rendaentre average and low. Ahead of the current circumstances and the complexity of the subject, everything leads to believe that in few years probably containment with the intention of if preventing the total esvaziamento of the resources will have to be taken medidasde social daseguridade. Today, the limit for the retirement for Instituto Nacionalde Seguridade Social (INSS), contributing for the maximum ceiling of 354,00 R$ porms, is of R$ 3,218, 90, taking in consideration a worker who keeps professional suasatividades until the 65 years, situation that it would isentaria of the dofator calculation previdencirio gift in the current legislation. , One minoriade evidently diligent obtains to fulfill the requirements mentioned for desfrutardesse limit in its retirement, when compared with the enormous number decontribuintes that, in its great majority, they are wage-earning.

The Constitutional Emendation n 41 also innovated of maneirabenfica for the public coffers, but unusually of form prejudicialcontra the pensioners. From 2008, the pensioners had come back to have in seusproventos referring debits to the contribution toward the social security. That is, they had started to pay again for what they had conquered with contributions durantetoda its professional life. A double contribution is had here. Confiscontido of the revenues of the pensioner to help to finance, for example, osaltos unemployment indices which provoke a considerable reduction in nvelde prescription collection. In order to retake the balance between the combenefcios expenditures and the collection of contributions in the regimen of the public welfare, oGoverno acts increasing the value of the contributions and diminishing the dosbenefcios values, beyond making it difficult the possibilities of precocious retirements, saved in the cases of permanent invalidity. In other words, today trabalhadorprecisa in such a way to contribute more as well as to work more to retire maistarde.

Federal Constitution

. Term introduced for Antonie de Montchrtien in 1615 and used for the study of the production relations enters the three main divisions of the bourgeois society: the capitalists, the proletarians and the large estate owners. From the displayed one above, Classic School will be given to prominence to the thought of the Classic School in special Adam Smith.2 FisiocratasO classic Liberalism is an ideology that defends the maximizao of the individual freedom by means of the law and right of action. It advocates a society characterized for the free initiative, where the State does not have> 1790), author of Assay on the wealth of the nations laissez-faire, to laissez-passer, laisser-vivre Rocking of the Neoliberalismo, considers that the neoliberalismo is a radicalization of economic liberalism. It is a set of practical and ideas directed toward the construction of an absolutely free society of state interferences, especially in the economic field, also regulating. After terms seen the thought liberal, more specifically of the fisiocrata Adam Smith, we will analyze Article 170 of the Federal.3 Constitution Analysis of article 170 of the FederalO Constitution Brazilian liberalism meets contemplated in the Federal Constitution, although the beddings of the State to be of the Welfare state (articles 1, 3 and 5), however article 173 of the Great Letter establishes limits, as much in what it says respect to the ample freedom, imposing to them controls, as in the case ofthe participation of the State in the economic domain. In> verbis: Art. 1 the Federative Republic of Brazil, formed for the indissolvable union of the States and Cities and the Federal District, consists in Democratic State of Right and has as beddings: IV – the social values of the work and the free initiative; Art. 3 basic objective Constituem of the Federative Republic of Brazil: I – to construct a free society, solidary joust and; III – to eradicate the poverty and the marginalizao and to reduce the social and regional inaqualities; IV – to promote the good of all, without preconceptions of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination.

Saragossa Constitution

Protests in diverse Spanish cities, among them Madrid, from the 18:00 hour from Atocha. Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastin, Logroo, Malaga, Cceres, Jerez and Saragossa, among others, will lodge manifestations. It will be requested to realise a rrndum so that the citizens vote the constitutional reform agreed by PSOE and PP. For Friday 2 of September, in addition, one has been anticipated " day of lucha". The movement 15M has summoned for this Sunday in diverse Spanish cities, among them Madrid, mobilizations of protest against the reform of the Constitution agreed by the PSOE and the PP, that the budgetary discipline in the Public Administrations will introduce. In Madrid, the work group of Sun Economy has made a call so that the citizens indicate from the 18:00 hours, from Atocha to the Door of the Sun, with the motto " Not to this reform of the Constitution. Nor an one step back! ".

According to the convoking ones through an official notice have informed, in the Door of the Sun will be celebrated one general assembly to continue deepening in the constitutional reform. For Friday 2 of September, in addition, one has been anticipated " day of lucha" in order to treat action and strategies. Next to Madrid, protests in Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastin, Logroo, Malaga, Cceres, Jerez and Saragossa will be celebrated, among others. According to the promoters of the protests, this " reform exprs" of the Constitution it tries, " to impose the benefit of a few on the will of mayora" with the excuse to order the finances, " to the dictation of the markets and the preservative governments of the powers europeas". In August and with the concluded legislature, it says the official notice, " the moment at which it is decided to modify the Constitution reflects a seguidismo to the most excellent representatives of the European right: Merkel/Sarkozy". And " in the wretch case that &quot has not delegated sufficient to prevent this democratic shoddy work; , the convoking ones of the protests demand that a rrndum is celebrated, in which will ask to vote " no". Source of the news: ' 15M' it summons for this Sunday protests against the constitutional reform

National Constitution

The ethical-historical dimension of " project-of-pas" it aims at the reconciliation of a national community and has two fundamental components: On the one hand, the memory and the collective recognition of the nature of the crisis; on the other hand, the collective and institutional recognition of the evil and the radical truth, justice and repair like ethical horizon, although cannot practically be realised in their integrity. As it can observe, any " project-of-pas" in Venezuela it must be in favor referenced of the National Constitution and to be able to combine public democracy with social justice, that is to say, liberties and institutional expression of the popular sovereignty, with greater equality, cohesion or integration of the society. He is not, as You affirm, something " negativo" or something that leads to the confusion, although IF HE IS something about which all we must think, because exactly " eso" (" project-of-pas") it is what it needs to us in Venezuela. Why &quot is so important; project-of-pas" tie to the historical memory of the Nation? The institutions are crystallizations of the one memory society and of its fights and in the case of most of our present political institutionality and Constitution, which has been crystallized is not the memory of this country nor of its majorities, but the one of the winners in the elections of 1998, the same conculcadores of the institutionality of the State, by work and grace of a impdica and forgetful abstention that placed to the institutionality of the State in hands and discretion of a single of the branches of Government. Point N 3: " We include/understand that our Constitution does not follow ideologies but offers laws that in the countries have that them fulfill and them have promoted well-being and prosperity. Laws that demonstrate that only with true democracies it is possible to be obtained the greater equality and the greater possible well-being: true socialismo." Commentaries to the N3 Point: False.

National Constitution

The ethical-historical dimension of " project-of-pas" it aims at the reconciliation of a national community and has two fundamental components: On the one hand, the memory and the collective recognition of the nature of the crisis; on the other hand, the collective and institutional recognition of the evil and the radical truth, justice and repair like ethical horizon, although cannot practically be realised in their integrity. As it can observe, any " project-of-pas" in Venezuela it must be in favor referenced of the National Constitution and to be able to combine public democracy with social justice, that is to say, liberties and institutional expression of the popular sovereignty, with greater equality, cohesion or integration of the society. He is not, as You affirm, something " negativo" or something that leads to the confusion, although IF HE IS something about which all we must think, because exactly " eso" (" project-of-pas") it is what it needs to us in Venezuela. Why &quot is so important; project-of-pas" tie to the historical memory of the Nation? The institutions are crystallizations of the one memory society and of its fights and in the case of most of our present political institutionality and Constitution, which has been crystallized is not the memory of this country nor of its majorities, but the one of the winners in the elections of 1998, the same conculcadores of the institutionality of the State, by work and grace of a impdica and forgetful abstention that placed to the institutionality of the State in hands and discretion of a single of the branches of Government. Point N 3: " We include/understand that our Constitution does not follow ideologies but offers laws that in the countries have that them fulfill and them have promoted well-being and prosperity. Laws that demonstrate that only with true democracies it is possible to be obtained the greater equality and the greater possible well-being: true socialismo." Commentaries to the N3 Point: False.

Public Administrations

It has said that the cost rule will have to include the flexibility for when there is recession, a natural disaster or a catastrophe that demands stimulus measures. There is no time to create a new tax that burdens these rents. The economic vice-president, Elena Salgado, have said that with the reform of the Constitution a maximum structural deficit for all the Public Administrations will pay attention " very near cero" for one " situation normal" , to that it hopes that &quot is arrived as of 2018.; In a normal situation the deficit would have to be zero or very near one zero. That situation we want normal it to locate in the Constitution as of the year 2018-2020" , it has explained in declarations to RNE. Salgado has insisted on which in the long term and in normal situation the public deficit would have to be " very limitado" , but without the possibility that is eliminated policies of fiscal stimulus can be adopted when they require it to the circumstances. " The cost rule will have to include the flexibility for when there is recession, a natural disaster or one catastrophe that demands stimulus measures, although that leads to that in a certain year mayor&quot is a deficit; , it has affirmed. The vice-president has clarified who the present public deficit, that will stand out to 6% of the GIP in 2011, does not correspond to a normality situation, and therefore is not a structural deficit, but she derives from adverse an economic context that forced to adopt fiscal stimuli and has lifted the amount of the benefits by unemployment. On the other hand, in declarations to the chain TO BE, Salgado has left the door abierta to that Friday the Government approves an increase of the fiscal pressure in the great fortunes, since to create a new tax that burdens these rents said that &quot already; there is no tiempo".

" For a new tax on great fortunes there is no time. In order to increase the pressure on the great fortunes, permtame that we wait for viernes" , it said. With respect to if the great fortunes of the country have sent to some letter to the Ministry of Economy and Property soliciing an increase of tax, since it has happened in France or States United, the minister said not to have received anything in writing. Source of the news: Elena Salgado says that the Constitution will determine a deficit limit very near zero