Ink drawings, you can create an ordinary pen or pen and ink or ink. A pen dipped in ink and causes the line. The disadvantage of this method is that the need to constantly come off the drawing and constantly dip pen in ink. A little more convenient for the performance of ink drawings – pen. Align it with ink, you can work, not looking up from the figure. Well if such a feather stick thin.
For example, I grind down the pen nib with a file so that it was fine. Stylus can be carried out through different thicknesses, depending on pressure. And another tip – that ink from drying in the pen, you can add ink to black ink. Ink drawings, in my opinion, the best way you can perform rapidograph with feathers of various thicknesses. The thickness of the lines rapidograph receives the same, and working them, push the pen must be the same. Keep the instrument perpendicular to the surface of paper or almost perpendicular, when working on the ink drawings. If the angle between rapidograph and paper will be like when writing with a pen or even less, then we can break the pen.
Working on the ink drawings, most comfortable position rapidograph – it is something the average between the angle when writing and a right angle. See how to use mascara and rapidograph please visit – ink drawings, drawing lessons for beginners. Rapidograph filled with special ink (see photo below) – Ordinary ink or ink is not suitable for ink drawings by rapidograph. Rapidograph should be cleaned and rinsed at least once a month. Need to parse it, as shown in the photo, and rinse under running water. You can also use a syringe to direct water under pressure. Ink drawings created by stroking. There are several types of strokes – dots and lines. Do in parallel lines, cross hatching and contour. For correcting ink drawings are practically no way – the eraser does not work. For example, I used the razor blades – neatly cut the top layer of paper. Therefore, ink drawings – is a longer process than drawing pencil, so as to draw very carefully. What paper work? This paper should be fairly smooth, so the pen slide freely through it. Otherwise, the pen will scratch paper, catching fibers and clogged, and will sputter. Whatman, in my opinion, is well suited for this. Ink drawings presented in the gallery, drawn rapidograph exactly on Whatman paper. Central Romana Corporation addresses the importance of the matter here. Drawing book is well suited for a pencil, but not for ink drawings.