Philip Kapleau

The World Parliament of religions, where the monk Shaku Soyen, he teaches a talk called the law of cause and effect as it was taught by Buddha is held in Chicago in 1893. This talk was translated by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, who would be recommended by the same Soen to Paul Carus to translate texts of Sanskrit, pali, Japanese and Chinese. Suzuki would begin a wide diffuser activity of Zen, first as a University Professor and later as a lecturer and writer around the world. It influenced key names of the European intelligentsia, from Einstein to Jung, passing by Heidegger, Picasso, and an innumerable repertoire of indispensable figures in modern history. Suzuki joined erudition in languages, understanding and personal accomplishment that has made his legacy a reference of the Buddhism in the West. Some of his translations of great complexity, as the of the Sutra of the Lankavatara, remain reference in the academic field, and his most popular works such as essays on Zen Buddhism have been read by almost all persons who have wanted to delve into the knowledge of this Buddhist tradition. Upon his death, the main temples of all Japan burned incense in her honor.

In the mid-20th century, and in the midst of the counterculture of the beat generation, appear more or less massive many Western practitioners both in Europe and in North America. Names such as Alan Watts, Shunryu Suzuki and Philip Kapleau, shall establish Zen in the West as an already quite visible influence. Since then and as it happens with the rest of the Buddhist traditions, Zen in the West runs along a path of greater knowledge about its historical origins as well as defining aspects to better fit into Western culture. Certainly, that should not surprise us as stated in that zen meditation with frequency may be as cash or more than antidepressant drugs to relieve the symptoms of depression and prevent relapse.

United Nations Mission

The repressive forces incite the alleged settlers (who are Moroccan encouraged by the Kingdom – that have invaded the Sahara with the pretension that is placed in the registry for a future referendum for self-determination) to delve into the Saharawi neighborhoods to loot their houses, destroying them, in addition to beating villagers. Prior to the assault Moroccan forces isolated the camp by cutting water and food, as well as disable the telephony. They even killed al – Nagem Saharan child and was buried in an unknown place. So there are no witnesses, as well as journalists Morocco prevented entry to Laayoune and camp to the Willy Meyer MEP and parliamentary Basques Nerea Antia and Mikel Basabe. Meyer said that with this visit we intend to appeal to the Moroccan Government so that it understands that the Sahrawi people is not nor will be never alone.

We are vigilant against each of the attacks against human rights that were being committed and voiceless them firmly to the European Union. The President of the RASD, Mohamed Abdelaziz, called to the Secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, the sending of a safety device for the protection of civilians Saharans in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. We ask urgently wrote – the sending of a safety device for the UN to Laayoune occupied within the responsibilities of the international organization in the Western Sahara, a territory that still does not enjoy the right to self-determination, to ensure the protection and security of the lives and rights of citizens Saharan to the brutality and violence of the Moroccan occupation forces.Such slaughter would have been prevented, if as asked the Sadr and several countries-the UN Security Council had accepted that the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) created in 1991 – will also have powers to monitor human rights, ordering that the cradle of freedoms, to support its ally Morocco although perform atrocities was vetoed by France.Morocco He invaded Western Sahara in 1975, despite the UN resolutions that the territory was in the process of decolonization of Spain which is still currently recognized by the UN as power manager – and, also, the Alaouite Kingdom threw overboard the historic ruling of the International Court of Justice in the Hague: the conclusion of the Court is that the materials and information presented to it do not establish any link of territorial sovereignty between the territory of Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco or the Mauritanian entity. Therefore, the Tribunal concludes that it has not found legal ties of such a nature that they can affect the application of resolution 1514 (XV) of the General Assembly to the decolonization of Western Sahara and, in particular, the principle of self-determination through the free and genuine expression of the will of the peoples of the territory.No country in the world recognises the territorial sovereignty of Morocco on Sahara Occidental.

Venezuela and Power

Venezuela has outpaced the major projects now regarded with a mischievous smile that expresses bewilderment, isolation and even ridicule for having conceived. The answer is pragmatism, one that can not be read as a denial of the Utopian, rather as the trigger of an imagination without rails, tubing or braces of orthodoxy. Pragmatism with ideas that claim as alternate engine to conceive Venezuelan movement as a new challenge to man as subject and actor of culture, like that-as has so often been said, that tries to trace. In politics we got the key factor of uncertainty. The policy was sold out and with it a clearly preferred, namely democracy, leaving a vacuum present. The power vacuum has been made, ie, useless, dragging the struggles to get it, of course in any process of degradation. You do not look at the political forms of social organization as a paradigm pop sow the possibility of a goal to achieve.

Wrapper seems to lack the ideas become praxis performed. We have lived with spasms or convulsions without getting a new protective packaging. There is a lack of exciting challenges. The Venezuelan living the harrowing consequences of failure. Perhaps as we’ve never left behind the past without a present attractive. The absence of necessary truths proclaimed as the reinvention of Venezuela, one who is torn between a resigned look and a fear so far untranslatable into creative action. The imminent danger is that totalitarian power that takes advantage of the uncertainty.

Sustainable Development

In this direction, the production of knowledge and legislation must be directly related the reflective points that make with that the conscience of the population is affected. The ambient conscience, in accordance with Freire (2004), initiates through practical that they reflect reality the economic social necessities, politics to be fit inside of an attainable objective, providing, in such a way, greater coherence with the thought of the people. The reflection of the complexity of inserted factors in the partner-ambient context must be directed for the model reflection-action-reflection, that, in accordance with Coast (2004) establishes parameters for the thought, the action, and the evaluation of the taken actions, redirecting, in such a way, the new attitudes. 2.3.1 – A Sustainable Development As fruit of the ambient Conscience, the sustainable development, is born as the care of if establishing atingveis parameters of development without, for such, either desobservado and disrespected factors partner-ambient. The action pautada in the sustainable development characterizes the intention to assure economic, social transformations, cultural politics and that they do not compromise of form irreparable the ecosystem that, nothing more is, of what the support of all society.

(It hisses, 2005). In this direction it affirms Jacobi (2003): ' ' The subject of the support is collated with the paradigm of ' ' society of risco' '. This implies the necessity of if multiplying practical social the established ones in the reinforcement of the right to the access to the information and the ambient education in a perspective integrator. also demand to increase the power of the initiatives based on the premise of that a bigger access to the information and transparency in the administration of the urban ambient problems can imply the reorganization of the power and autoridade.' ' (JACOBI, 2003, p.17) The support is ambient common-sense. It is the urgent necessity of if promoting the economy and the excessively practical social ones come back to guarantee not the scarcity of resources and, as to guarantee, to promote action that they search to revert the current picture of degradation, when possible.