
I’ve known so many versions of the truth, already not be lie believe me anonymous because it is what could tell you friend reader, after knowing the different versions that we have suffered 40 million subjects of the Government and related unions, i.e. on the outcome of the strike,: a. espanolitos foot. The curious thing about the case is that those who have expressed us valuations diametrically opposite, try ardently, convince us that his words are nothing more than a reflection of pure truth, so one ends up being more atragantado than a duck in a kind of quantum physics. And it is not having to wait at this point, that no public Office tell us, no longer the truth.

Let’s go! Up there we could reach. Is that not even expected to tell your truth. In Spain, at times running, the politically correct, is lying with the greatest effrontery and desverguenza, without even blinking. Action than in any truly democratic country, that it catches you with the ice cream cart missing the truth, it takes 24 hours to complete his public career and go to your House. But Spain is different and the perversion of language that for years it has been promoting by the Spanish political class, has made the politically correct lie repeated endlessly, really absolute; White in black and shameless and dishonest, lawful, complete and honest. At this point in the film, which lie, already not only not it should surprise us, but that is what can be expected from this ignorant social caste has not given a stick into the water in his life; that for all they serve is to create our problems and above we see that forced to maintain of lifetime. That should leave us amazed is that ever, even if it were because of an uncontrollable outburst of sense of reality, they say something reasonable.

Latin American Nations

They are part of the ruins, are the ruins of the lack of evolution, of the lack of readings, the depletion in the absurd pragmatism where policy is only to seek power and settle according to the macabre and old Latin American meaning. The leaders of the present are spiteful, his project is to destroy without affecting anywhere a new building, are architects of the demolition, resentful that make use of the lie with brash, ones that try to the revolution with name changes to the way in which Regis Debray denounced him properly. They are relentless in the destruction of most basic democracy, you soak in all the vices of the warlordism of the providential leader that everything he knows and all sorts, rub all the unfortunate vices of degenerate political practice of the 20th century and in all the appalling evils that the sub-continent has suffered. Does not help us 20th century into the 21st century. This Venezuelan country has always been slow to enter a new century. It seems that we began always with a dictator. It seems that we are always the first to apply the maxim that the advancement of ideas is slow.

About the dictator of the 20th century looked a litter of students who gave shape to the future, one already exhausted. About the 21st century dictator looked a litter of students who were pragmatic and rushed to enroll in the matches of the past under the slogan that one needed to pursue a political career. Behold, one of the causes of this frustration. Here, as in many Latin American Nations, intellectuals are accommodated to the prebends of power and left of writing and thinking. The policy does not exist without thinking. Without ideas there is no political action. We have become a nation trapped by a past that acts as all past, outside the new logic, new paradigms in birth, outside of the current time, and a tiring, acogotador, suffocating present, one which do not support but which we seem as unable to exit.

Market Fluctuation

At the first moment, between July and September of 1994, she was characterized the adoption of a regimen of pure fluctuation. The excess of international liquidity sobrevalorizou the national currency in detriment of not the intervention of the Central banking in the tax. After this period the Central banking starts to intervine in order to keep the fixed tax of exchange to the platform of 0,84 for US$. In March of 1995, with the supply of reserves drastically diminished, due to contraction of the international liquidity, the Central banking is obliged to devaluate the exchange in 5% and to leave then is adopted a broad band of fluctuation for the national currency. A miniband inside of the broad band was established and from the Brazilian currency she starts there to suffer sporadical depreciations in what she was come close to a system of sliding band, characterizing the third phase of the exchange politics. Finally, in October of 1995, a new flexibilizao of the regimen characterizes the fourth phase of the politics, phase this of would be unchanged until the exchange crisis in January of 1999. The depreciations start to be systematic in the order of 0,6% to the month, tracing an almost linear trajectory of the exchange tax. Moreover, the fluctuation interval, that is, the amplitude of the band, also was being gradually increased.

It can be said, then, that the adopted system starts to be of a rastejante band (MODENESI, 2005) the PERIOD AFTER REAL AND the FEAR TO FLOAT With the abandonment of the exchange bands, Brazil starts to adopt the system of floating exchange. As some authors this age the inevitable way and that until he was beside the point delayed (SOUZA, 2005). We will not analyze in this work what he was known as ' ' fear of flutuar' ' (to fear of floating), however, the simple communication of that from now on and until the current days, Brazil comes if being valid a dirty fluctuation, almost rigid, it explains in part this phenomenon sufficiently argued currently.

The Media

This leads us to the next point that touches the author, which refers to the moment in which the true effect of the speech lies not in its writer, but in your transmitter. The way in which the message is transmitted to it is much more important for the listener than the message itself. This rule is the society today, in this database are based advertising campaigns, the media, and even some aspects related to culture and the arts. The purpose is to sell the product, no matter what is really, but that your audience buy the idea and accepted, involving it in your everyday process. Here is clearly exemplified the extent of political or social power that can have a discourse well spent. When talking about knowing what is the message that is issued and how to do it, also influences the fact of knowing the recipients of your message.

Knowledge of education which has both poles of the process, most of the topic that will be discussed, influences what so well is sent the message and that has as much ability to change in its ultimate goal. All items are binding together, since they are basic guidelines for discourse. In this case, the most important is speech to acquire a power by itself, which often neither transmitters nor receivers we are aware that it exists. The speech It also has already determined its structure, at the same time that the way it is made. It is necessary that it is based on traditions or culture of the present and a little old, since this will ensure understanding of this to the public.

It is also good that their background is only for the issuer, post that if it is allowed to see everything that lies behind the discourse to the receptors probably lose power against them, and not only the message but the person itself. It must be clear what is intended to achieve, especially with the issuer of the discourse, since this also involves other guidelines simpler but equally important to apply the power conferred on it properly. It is a simple communication process if he is seen merely as that, so is the message in some way to your receiver, but once you study him as influential factor of change is much more elaborate process that must be followed to correctly apply the method of discourse, also increases the awareness to know how you can get more easily to certain persons and to know who is the right person to run the action. As I said earlier, it is a factor of change and as such, should be expected this reaction to society, as all applications of power have it, but is not always expected and thats the main point in the study of the art of speech, know how to use that power and to what use it, obtaining ideally social purposes, but which in reality are the most individualistic by nature itself of the human and the world in which we coexistimos. Original author and source of the article.

San Lorenzo

It is very useful to compare directories of hostels search services that offer lodgings, its date of construction, if they accept credit card or if they make discounts with the youth hostel card. A brief study comparative quality/price will help us to make the best decision. Inn or Youth Hostels hostels chains, for example, are very reliable. It is advisable to book ahead but in the tourist offices can help us find a place where overnight, that Yes, you will have fewer options. Rome is a large Museum in the open air. It is worth walking to see the main locations, but it is not more make use of the tourist bus (4 per day to 24 h) bond. We will easily reach places farther away as neighborhood of Trastevere, the Vatican or less exposed to tourism areas as the neighborhood of San Lorenzo or the Jewish quarter. It is in these areas where we can have breakfast classic cappuccino and Cornett at low price or enjoy tasty trancio of pizzas and taste them in cosy squares.

However, who wants not to see the works of Miguel Angel or the Colosseum?. To reduce the cost of these inevitable turistadas, that in many cases exceed 10, it is important that we come to Italy with the European youth card. You can also order in the main monuments the Charter Archeologica, that reduces the price of seven monuments to choose according to the route. With the same intention, we can start the morning with a visit to the traditional markets for food, such as the Piazza dell Unita (Risorgimento). There we will find the indispensable to prepare a picnic for lunch and to avoid getting lost in the streets in search of a cheap trattoria. By the end of the day the alternatives are many, but expensive. If we do not carry in Backpack our finery or don’t want to spend the saved us forget the night rhythm of the Center. The option that suits perhaps spend some time by the so-called Center socialli (such as Forte Prenestino Villagio Globale), initiated at the time by the squatter movement and are currently one of the largest sources of concerts and free exhibitions of the city. By: Sony Lopez Sonia, Andrea and Almudena, are independent travelers that, before working as writers for HostelBookers toured several continents, discovering the wonders of their towns and villages. During his stay in Spain discovered variety of quality hostels and economic accomodation. Original author and source of the article