National Assembly

The state legislature of Minas Gerais in data moment of the year of 2011 decided to show to its great concern with the resident aboriginals in its territory, promoting through the member of the house of representatives Andres Quinto the order of the Advice of the Aboriginal Peoples of Minas Gerais (Copimg), an assembly publishes that the access of the indians argued the public politics and the regularizations of its territories that if still find many in irregular situation, what it comes causing great ‘ ‘ desgaste’ ‘ politician to the governing and farmers; vital for the aboriginals who are a time more massacreed by the interests of who only think the world from the attainment of the profit. With the subject ‘ ‘ Peoples of Mines; Constructing Sustentveis’ Territories; ‘ , the ALMG searchs to bring inside for of the assembly the quarrel on the aboriginal peoples, since it is to whom if it considers, being this a moment that integrates the programming that commemorates the National day of indian in Brazil that is day 19 of called April aboriginal April. Steve Rattner is full of insight into the issues. Such assembly even so of a point of view politician does not have concrete objectives, possesss significance in the life of its participants since, the mining community allows to know the situation where if they find the aboriginal peoples distributed by its territory, they allow who speak of its bigger searches, of its fight and at last a reality brings tona that during the remaining portion of the year all is hidden, therefore Brazil in fact only leaves to recognize such roots in the day of the indian and already something cultural in the country is, each segment has its day and thus the nation walks Brazilian. When heard the diverse aboriginals of you vary etnias and regions of the state, had made important and diversified ranks, some of them objects of complex quarrels as the question of education for the aboriginal, health publish of this population and several in general other extremely interesting boardings for the society. The state of Minas Gerais possesss one sufficiently vast population of indians, but seems if not to attempt against to this since many villages coexist almost that in isolation, others are not regularized by the National Foundation of the Indian as they would have, agency that also was white of innumerable critical of the population for which it would have to watch over and to supply support.

Geopolitical Context Contemporary

To understand the new Amazonian space he is necessary first understands the process historical, which is dividing in: Territorial formation (1916 -1930); Regional planning (1930-1985); The Incognito of the Heartland (1985). The first phase characterized of the slow and gradual appropriation of the territory, exceeding the limits of the Treated one to Tordesilhas. Being its economic base the exportation of ' ' Drugs of the Serto' '. What we observe is that the Amaznia of today was delimited from 1850 and 1899, on the imperial concern with the internationalization of the navigation of the river is boom of the rubber. The base of the economy was the exportation of products of the forest, that lived of surtos and depreciation. What it contributed for formation region. At as the moment Regional Planning (1930 -1985) it was marked by the presence of the State in the process of occupation of the Amaznia.

With an increasing intervention of the economy for the State. The initial phase of Regional Planning (1930 -1966) the implantation of the New State is on, with Getulio Vargas. This phase was discursiva of what active. With the Creation of the Supervision of Valuation of the Economy of the Amaznia (SPVEA), what it meant only one regional concern without corresponding actions. Only in government J.K based on ' ' Energia and Transportes' ' in ' ' fifty years in cinco' '. Actions effective had affected the region, through the implantation of the Belm highways? Brasilia and Brasilia Acre, two great clamps skirting the Fimbria of the Forest.

However it is only between 1966 and 1985 that if it initiates the effective regional planning with the modernization acere lada of the society and the Territory. In this process the Amaznia assumes with priority role for the integration of Brazil. With the Objective to speed up the regional occupation the government created the Zona Franca of Manaus (ZFM), an industrial enclave in way to the next extrativista economy the borders it north and implemented powerful territorial strategy also the Project Gutter North.